Chapter 18

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I woke up in the backseat of a car. When I look to the front seat I see Joey driving and Payton fast asleep in the Passenger seat.

L: what happened??

I look to Joey since he was awake and see him look through the rear view mirror.

J: Chase tried to hook up with you and Payton punched him. Long story short you started to cough bad so I decided to take you to your doctor.

L: oh makes since. But whys Payton here?

J: he wanted to tag along.

I look over at Payton to see him yawning and stretching out his arms. I feel a small smile creep onto my face as I see how cute he was fast asleep.

P: you get awwahh ummm hh

I hear as Payton starts to mumble and talk in his sleep. I couldn't help but giggle at how adorable it was.

J: ok were here. Again

Joey parks the car. I start to feel my breath fasten and my heartbeat grow.

L: Payton? Pay? PAY!?


I start to laugh non stop and couldn't help but ruffle his hair. Oh his hair is sooo soft. Ughh.

P: oh hi Lizzie. Are you ok?

L: yeah I'm good. Just the stupid gut issue

I saw how Paytons face fell and how his eyes saddened.

P: im so sorry Lizzie

L: its fine

J: ahem love birds lets goooo

Me and Payton laugh at how Joey held the O out in the word 'go'.

Sry for the short chapter I have chores today soooo just decide to update real quick

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