Chapter 14

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I run and run until I'm right in front of my house. I run in knowing my mom is stuck at work since her car wasn't there. I jump on my bed and weep. I cry and cry until I pass out.

Joeys POV

I see Lizzie run out and completely run passed my car. I look up at Payton to see his eyes filled with tears and him in absolute shock.

J: you got some nerve!

I walk over to Payton and slam him against the wall by his shirt.

J: thought you loved her!! What happened that made you cheat?? Huh. Whats your big excuse?!

P: ....

J: thats what I thought!

I let go of his shirt and barge out of Chick fe A. I hop in my car driving to the store. I buy a 2 pints of chocolate ice cream and rented as many disney movies I could fine. I get in my car and start to drive to Lizzies house.

I park on the street and hop out of my car. As I walk up the driveway I realize her mom is not home and probably won't be home all night. Knock knock. The knocking sound echoed in my ears as I played to worst case scenario in my head.

Lizzies POV

I woke up feeling like shit. I get up to walk to the bathroom before I hear a knock at the door. My anxiety started to get the best of me as I creeped down the stairs. I look through the peep hole hopping to see my mom but being my luck it was just Joey. Not to sound rude but I really wanted to see my mom. I open the door revealing my face.

Before he said anything he pulled me into a hug. A hug I didn't realize I needed. Before I knew it I was bawling my eyes out on his shoulder, soaking his hoodie.

J: shhh your ok. Just let it out.

L: w-why do g-guys c-cheat?

He thought about my question before he broke our hug. I look into his eyes and saw worry and saw how sincere this boy was.

J: idk really Ive never cheated on anyone

I processed his answer before opening the door wider letting him inside. I walked in behind him, closing the door behind me. This moment reminded me of that day in my house, when Payton and I had our first kiss. I start to tear up again. Joey looked at me and gave me another hug. He pulled away and walked into the kitchen. Placing his backpack on the counter. He unzipped it revealing chocolate ice cream and movies. Even though I felt like complete shit I enjoyed this moment. A small smile crept on my lips as I laugh.

L: does ice cream actually work?

J: idk I've seen in so many movies so might as well try.

We both laugh as Joey grabs two spoons and the ice cream. He hands me a pint and spoon as he picks up the five movies he rented.

J: ok so frozen, dumbo, brother bear, Cinderella, or beauty and the beast??

I looked at the movie options and decided on brother bear since I've never seen it.

Joey. He just so. Sweet!!

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