Chapter 19

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We all walked in the massive building and I immediately started to walk to my doctors office. The boys both looked like a lost dog but I gestured for them to walk with me. Before I knew it I started to get dizzy and when I looked around I saw people getting their blood drawn and some with IVs connected to them. I started to wobble with every step and when I was about to fall, Payton or Joey would hold me up so I wouldn't.

About 5 minutes go by and were still looking for my doctors office. I know where it is its just I have a huge headache and I'm really dizzy. At one point Payton asked a nurse for a wheelchair, I had that bad anxiety.

About another 2 and a half minutes go by and we reach the office. I started to feel my stomach tightening and pain ran through my body. I gave Payton a worried look and all he did was smile. A very reassuring smile. I then felt as if someone was tickling the inside of my throat. I started to cough once again.

When we stepped into the doctors office, he ran some tests and quickly found out my internal bleeding was gone and I actually have a lung disease called NTM.

"That explains the shortness of breath and the coughing you been having." The doctor explained. At one point I dosed off and forgot what I was doing. Until Joey shook me awake.

J: you good?

L: yeah sorry just....tired

P: hey Lizzie you want anything from the cafeteria?

L: sure umm chips? If there is any

P: alright bye.

Payton ran down the hall and almost tripped.

P: im good

He yelled back while putting up two thumbs

God why is he so adorable. Oh my god. Do I like him?

J: hey so hows your stomach?

L: good thanks

J: im sorry

L: why

J: I left you. Alone. I-I should have stayed

L: no no your good its my fault for being insecure

Joey kneed down so our eyes were connected and at the same level. He had a sad look almost sincere.

J: Lizzie you have nothing to be insecure about. Your the most beautiful, funny, adorable, and kind hearted person I know. Your hair is perfect. Your body is beautiful. And your smile brightens up the whole room. Your amazing Lizzie. You deserve the whole world.

I almost started to cry at how sincere he was being. Man how come he's so nice and cute in the most unrelated times. God hes so. Just. Perfect.


Ive fallen for Joey too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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