Chapter 8

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"I think I'm in love." Payton whispered. I was completely shocked I didn't know what to say. I looked him wide eyed. I thought for about five seconds before I smacked my lips against his. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Then I remember were in a hospital, how unromantic. I pulled away with a huge smile on my face.

"I think I'm in love too." I whispered. I thought I said that in my head but about five seconds later I cover my mouth with my hand. Paytons face turns from a huge smile to a confused look. I start to laugh while my hand was still covering my mouth.

"Whats so funny?" Payton says with a giggle.

"Oh nothing your just being cute." I said

"Well your cuter."

About 5 minutes later we were still going back and forth, calling each other cute, adorable, hot. It was the most heart melting moment I have ever shared with anyone.

But then the doctor walks in. I start to hear the heart rate tracker (idk what its called) beep faster and faster. Payton squeezes my hand and to be honest that calmed me down.

"Hi I'm doctor Miller and I have good news and bad news. Which one do you wanna hear first?" Dr. Miller says. I look at Payton hoping he could decide and sure enough he does.

"Umm bad news" he says looking up to the doctor. I squeeze his hand really tightly and look him in the eyes as worry floods my body.

"Well Lizzie you have internal bleeding inside your gut. The good news is that its treatable but it does take time." Dr. Miller says.

I feel the weight on my shoulders Get heavier and before I knew it I fainted. About 5 minutes later, I wake up and look over to see Joey there instead of Payton.

"Hi" I say while I sit up a bit.

"Im soo sorry" Joey said as his eyes filled with tears.


"Because I did this to you. I hurt you everyday and I'm sorry. I should have never treated you the way I did." Joey says.

"I love you!" Joey said.

"Wait? What?"

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