Chapter 15

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2 weeks later

Every since that day Ive been, distant, and just too tired to do anything.

I wake up everyday and go to school to see Payton with the same girl he cheated on me with. He looked unaffected by the way whole situation.

???: hey so sorry about the whole thing with Payton

I turn around to see the girl he was with the night at Chick fe A.

L: no its fine. Sorry we haven't officially met my names Lizzie you?

???: Avani nice to meet you!

L: wait how long have you and Payton been... you know.... talking?

A: since like the beginning of the school year.

She giggled making the anger grow faster. Thats when I was in the hospital. Since the beginning of the school year. Since Payton said he loved me. Why? Why did he lie to me?

J: hey Lizzie you ok?

Joey snapped his fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my trance. I look at him and give him a sheepish smile.

L: yeah just thinking

J: your not thinking about what Avani told you yesterday are you

I totally was but I'm not gonna let him know

L: no no Im fine Joseph Matthew Birlem

I loved calling him by his full name. It always got him mad. But he loved me so it didn't matter.

I got up from the lunch table and threw my lunch away.

J: hey umm.....

L: yeah?

J: do you wanna umm......

L: what? *giggle*

J: umm maybe wanna go to a party

L: with you? Like a date?

Joey nods and looks down. I watch as he shifts from one foot to another. I giggle at how nervous he was acting.

J: what *giggle*

L: nothing. Sure!

J: sure what?

L: god do I have to explain *laughs*

J: oh right. Saturday. 7:00. Ok?

L: got it Birlem.

Joey walks away backwards almost tripping over his feet. I start to laugh as I look around. The cafeteria was empty. Only me and a clumsy Joey. I look back at where Joey was to see him gone. Well only me I guess.

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