Chapter 16

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I started to head down the hall to my class when I run into the one and only Payton.

P: watch where yo-......sorry
L: for what? Breaking my heart or for almost yelling at me??

I angrily roll my eyes and lean on one of my legs. Payton then lowers his head.

P: im sorry for everything its just I thought you and Joey were cheating and....

L:wait so you thought me and Joey... you know since I was in the hospital???

Paytons head shot up as a confused look took over.

P: what do you mean?
L: Avani told me you and her have been "dating" since I was in the hospital
P: thats not true. Since after the Canes incident I deleted her number but when you and Joey hung out a lot I dmed her on instagram and got her number back....

I felt my heart drop. Could this be true? Did I fuck up our relationship?

L: Payton if this is true and I believe you. You have to believe me.
P: okay
L: me and Joey never did anything. Were just friends. Okay?
P: okay. So are we back or...
L: aren't you dating Avani
P: no I broke that up after you left Chick fel A
L: that lying bitch!!
P: why what did she tell you?
L: she said y'all are still dating.
P: well don't believe her all she does is lie. So since we're already late for class wanna skip??
L: umm I've never skipped but yolo right!!

Me and Payton walked out of this hell hole and went to his car.


L: thanks for the ride.

I hop out of Paytons car as I grab my backpack.

P: hey Lizzie?

L: yeah?

P: umm I was wondering if you wanted to go to Jacksons party with me?

I thought for a moment before I remembered Joey invited me to the same Party.

L: umm sorry im already going with someone

P: let me guess. Joey?

L: *sigh* yeah sorry. Ill make it up to you ok?

P: fine by me

Then we said our goodbyes and he was off. I couldn't help but feel guilty for going with Joey I mean were not dating so its not like it would be wrong. Would it?

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