Chapter 13

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A few weeks went by and Payton kept getting how you say distant. Like he wouldn't tell me where he was going or who he was texting. Its like he was hiding something.

Joey on the other hand was hanging out with me more and filling those time gaps that Payton said he had to go.

I felt like I wasn't good enough for him or I felt useless. But I pushed that aside and focused on my friendship with Joey. We started getting to know each other just like when we were kids.

J: hey you hungry??


J: ok what do you want to eat??

L: hmmm Chick fi lay

Dont know if I spelt that right 😂

J: ok get in the car ill be right there!

I hop in the car and about 5 minutes later Joey gets in. We drive to the fast food restaurant while  jamming out to some lil tecca and lil tjay.

J: were here!!

L: yayy

I hop out of his Audi i8 and run into Chick fi lay. I sit in a booth and look out the window to see Joey walking with a smile on his face. Ahh his smile is just. Lizzie god!!! Stop!

Few minutes later

We get our food and start to eat. Me and Joey just talk and talk until it starts to get late.

J: Lizzie don't turn around

L: why?

Before he could answer I turn around to see Payton with a girl. He was holding her hand and kissing her. I felt my heart stop.

J: hey Lizzie look at me!

I turn to look at Joey. My eyes were stinging with tears. Joey stands up and and grabs my hands pulling me up.

J: your ok! Its ok!

L: i-its n-not ok HES CHEATING!!

I screamed so loud that everyone in the restaurant was looking at me. I turn around to see Payton staring at me. I break down in tears and run out the restaurant. I passed Joeys car and kept running before I didn't even know where I was.

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