Chapter 12

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I look over at Payton texting someone...

I look a little closer to see the name "Avanii❤️🌷😍" across the top. Why does it have those emojis? I thought.

"Hey babe?" I ask Payton. I don't even know if we're dating but if we are, he should respond with babe right?

"Yeah babe?" Payton says without even glancing up from his phone. I sit up with a smile on my face but then realize another girls name on his phone has heart eyed emojis next to it.

"Who ya texting?" I ask with a cheerful tone. He immediately closes his tab and turns off his phone. What is he hiding?

"Oh Just Jaden." He laughs. I slouch back and just relax. Maybe it was just Jaden?

"Were here!!" Joey yelled. I sit up and quickly hop out of the car. My feet slam against the concrete. I fall to floor in pain. Dame my gut.

"Lizzie! You ok?" Joey whispers. He knees down and grabs my hand squeezing it slightly. I look up at him and see how worried he looked.

"Yeah just some slight pain." I say giving him a reassuring smile. He returns the smile while helping me up. God his smile. Stop Lizzie! Once I'm up I immediately run into Canes. Joey, who's right behind me, runs straight into someone. I start to die of laughter until I see the guy he ran into punch him in the gut.

Joey then starts to hit back causing a huge fight.

"Hey stop!" I scream while trying to pull the guy and Joey apart. I guy looked at me, then out of no where he socks my right in the face. Apparently Payton saw this and started to get involved in the fight. I felt dizzy and before I knew it I fell to the floor. I saw Joey stop fighting the guy to help me. Then I blacked out. Again. Great.

"Joey you need to back off!" I hear. I slowly wake up realizing I'm in the back seat of Joeys Audi i8. "What do you mean?!" I hear Joey laugh. "What are y'all talking about?" I say while sitting up in the seat.

"Oh my god are you alright Lizzie?!" They both say at the same time. Then they both give each other a death stare, Paytons longer than Joeys though cause he was driving.

"Ok whats going on?" I say

Im lazy so for convos its going to be
Ok so y'all understand thank yooouuuuu

P: nothing why
L:because y'all are fighting and I hate it
J:ok stop arguing, here

Joey then hands me a canes bag. Inside was a foam box with a chicken sandwich with a piece of bread and fries.

L:thank you Joey!! Your the best!!
J:no problem Liz!

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