I : The Beginning

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Hi guys! This is my very first fanfic so pls excuse some grammatical errors here and there. Hope you enjoy! <3


100 years ago...

"Aang!" I yelled making my own air scooter. "Wait for me!"

"C'mon Alara!" Aang shouted ahead of her.

I glared at him picking up the pace. We passed several people eating, making their food smash to their face. "Sorry!" Aang and I yelled in unison.

We stopped before a huge door. "You ready for this?" I asked him.

"Wish you were getting it with me." Aang looked down.

"Hey don't worry Egg head, I'll be getting my air bending tattoos soon." I gave him a smile in which he returned. He embraced me in hug, and of course I hugged back. "I'm proud of you bro."

Aang pulled away and smiled, "thanks sis, it means a lot to have you here."

"Anytime Aang, now go on!" I shoved him towards the door. "The Monks aren't as patient as they try to be!"

Aang chuckled and went in, leaving me to wait until it was over.


I was sitting on the benches admiring the sun set. I looked, and still no Aang. "How long does it take to get tattoos?" I perked up at the sound of the door opening. Aang stepped out and I rushed over him. "How was it?"

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I stared at him, "Aang what's wrong? Was it too painful for your little egg head?" I joked trying to cheer him up but he didn't even smile. "Aang-"

"Alara we need to talk." Monk Tashi appeared from the door with a stern look on his face.

"Alright..." I went with Monk Tashi sparing a quick look to Aang only to find him gone.

I looked around all the elders were present. I bowed in respect and sat down in front of them. "Am I in trouble?"

"No my dear Alara, you have done nothing wrong." Monk Gyatso spoke up sending me a small smile.

I returned the smile but was quickly gone by the looks of the elders were giving me. Monk Tashi stood up and spoke, "Do you know who your brother is?"

"If you're asking if I know about him being the Avatar, then yes I do know." I spoke calmly.

"Then you know that he has a lot of training to prepare for what's to come." Monk Tashi continued.

I nodded, "I know Aang will need to prepare for his destiny and I will be there beside him, supporting him."

"That's just the thing, you can't be there beside him."

I blinked, "They couldn't be serious now, could they?" I looked at Monk Gyatso and he just avoided my gaze. Everyone was just looking at waiting for my reaction. "So what do you expect me to do?"

"We're moving you to the Northern Air Temple, there you can continue practicing your airbending." One of the elders said.

I felt the lump forming in my throat and the tears threatening to leave my eyes. "What about Aang?" I choked back a sob. "I can't just leave him he's my brother!"

"More of a reason on why you should leave. In this way Aang won't be having more distractions, and he'll be mastering the Elements faster." Another elder said.

"But-" I was cut off by Monk Tashi.

"No buts! You will be moving to the Northern Air Temple tomorrow morning and if you're not ready by then I will have you fly all the way there!"

Alara's Tale ~ Book I : WaterWhere stories live. Discover now