X : Stowaway

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Hiii Guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long 😭 acads have been drowning me. But we're going to have our sem break soon, so hopefully I'll update more!

So for now, hope you enjoy this chap!
~ MC

I jolted up, my breathing was heavy. Everything was blurry, and dark? I couldn't even comprehend where I was, plus the ache in my head only makes it worse.

"Aang?" My voice was hoarse, it's like I've been screaming for hours. I tried standing up only to fall back down.

"Katara?" The throbbing ache in my head just kept getting worse and worse.

"Sokka?" Water, there was water beneath me.

It was rising, I tried to catch a breathe but the water kept pushing me back. Then someone grabbed me, carrying me, "Who are you?" The person turned their head to look at me, the last thing I saw was the glistening of two golden eyes meeting my gray ones.

I groaned as I stirred awake. There was throbbing pain at my head. I sat up and felt the ground, it was soft? I looked down and realized, I was on a bed. Looking around I saw that the room was tainted with red. I looked to my side and my breathe hitched. A fire nation symbol.

There was a knock on the door, as it opened General Iroh came in with a teapot and teacups. "Good morning, I made tea I figured you would need it."He set it down beside the bed.

"Thank you." I mumbled and he gave me a smile as he walked out of the door. Folding the blanket, I put it aside as I drank the tea. "This is actually really good."

I finished up the tea and stretched. "Well I got to find out where exactly I am." I opened the door the hallways were the same color as the room was. I heard a sound coming from my right I decided to follow it. It was like humming, I followed until I reached a room. The door was slightly open, inside was General Iroh. I knocked on the door and he saw me outside.

He gave me a small smile. "Come in, it's good to see you're ok."

"Thank you for the tea, it was great." I told him as I closed the door.

"Thank you." He gestured towards the table with a Pai Sho game readied. "Care for a game of Pai Sho?"

"Sure but I'm not that good at it though." I said as I sat down across from. "Last time I played was so long ago."

"And how long was that?"

"Give or take 100 years."

He looked at me and chuckled. "I never thought I would meet someone older than me."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

"You first Miss?"

"Alara." I told him as I moved a tile. "And just Alara please, you don't have to call me Miss."

"Alright Alara."

We continued to play for an hour. Ultimately I lost, which I wasn't even surprised about. General Iroh grinned, "That was one of the best games of Pai Sho I had in a long time."

"Well I'm surprised I even lasted that long."

He chuckled again. I smiled, never thought I would actually be playing Pai Sho with a Fire Nation General. There was a question that has been running on my mind since I got here. "General Iroh?"

"Just call me Iroh, Alara." He smiled.

I returned it. "Um, Iroh, how did I end up here?"

"Well when we saw you crash into the water, my nephew went after you. He dove into the water and got you out but you were unconscious. We couldn't just leave you there, so my nephew carried you back to our ship and that's how you ended up in that room."

Alara's Tale ~ Book I : WaterWhere stories live. Discover now