XV : Fire

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It seemed like we're always stuck in a forest. "This should give us a good idea what's around here." Katara walked towards a poster.

"See if you can find a menu. I'm starving." Sokka said as he found the bag with our food empty.

"I bet we'll find something to eat here, the Fire Days Festival." Aang pointed at the poster. "Fire Nation cultural exhibits, jugglers, benders, magicians. This would be a great place for me to study real firebenders."

"You might want to rethink that Aang." I say on the other side. "Look at this."

"Hey a poster of me!" Aang exclaimed.

"Yeah a wanted poster." I said with emphasis on the wanted. I looked down and saw a wanted poster for the blue spirit as well. "Oh no, Zuko."

"This is bad." Sokka said.

Aang got the poster. "I have to learn firebending at some point, and this could be my only chance to watch the masters up close."

"I guess we could check it out." Katara muttered.

"What?! You want to walk into a Fire Nation town when they're all fired up with all their, you know, Fire?" Sokka shouted out.

"Then we'll wear disguises and if there's trouble, we leave." I told him. Katara and Aang nodded and went back to Appa.

"Yeah cause we always leave before we get into trouble." Sokka grunted and walked back to Appa as well.

I sighed and looked at the blue spirit poster once again. "I hope you won't get caught..."

We reached a cliff. I squinted my eyes and I could see the town from here. "You guys stay here a while we go to the festival." Aang told Appa and Momo. "Ready disguises."

Sokka and Katara Both got black hoods on. I got my headband and put it on, the ends were singed off but I was still able to wrap around my head. Aang used his shirt to cover his arrow. "Let's go!" He motioned for us to follow him.

We walked into the town. I looked around and at the people, they were all wearing masks. "I think we need new disguises."

"Where are we gonna get masks like that?" Sokka questioned. I tapped on his shoulder and pointed at the vendor. "Oh, that was easy."

We all got our own masks and headed further into the festival. "Hey there's some food." Aang pointed.

"Finally." Sokka rushed towards it. "What do you have?"

"Flaming Fire flakes, best in town." The vendor said.

"I'll take it." He said as he gobbled it up.

"Uh Sokka I don't think you should-" I was interrupted by him screaming and spitting it out. "Flaming Fire Flakes, what did you expect?"

"What do you know?" He cringed.

"Hey, look at this!" Aang went to a puppet show.

The show opened with a puppet Fire Lord assuring the kids no one can surprise him. Then a earth bender came with a rock but the Fire Lord burned him. The children cheered as we backed away.

"Aang hold on. Where are we going?" Katara asked him.

"I don't know, but there's a big crowd, so it must be good." Aang went through the crowd up to the front of the stage.

"Knowing the Fire Nation it's probably an execution." I head Sokka say.

We watched in awe as the firebender changed the fire into doves. "I've got to learn that trick!" Aang yelled.

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