VI : Not That Type Of Reunion

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~ MC

"Welcome to the Earth Kingdom Of Omashu!" Aang proclaimed.

"We used to come here to visit our friend Bumi." I added, I was still wearing my Kyoshi attire just without the armor and makeup, and a headband to cover up my arrow.

"Wow, we don't have buildings like this in the South pole." Katara said.

"They have buildings here that don't melt." Sokka said in awe.

"Lets go slow pokes! The real fun is inside the city." Aang yelled and leaped away, me following behind him.

"Wait Aang! It might be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar." Katara yelled.

"Yeah you need a disguise." Sokka agreed.

"So what am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?" He looked so confused.

"Don't worry Egg head, I got you covered." I said while getting some of Appa's shedded fur.

Aang scratched his head. "It's so itchy!"

"Tada now you look like a grandfather!" I giggled.

"Now let's get to skippin' young whippersnappers." He bent down and pretended to be old, using his glider for support. "The big city awaits!"

We approached the city walls and saw a man getting his cabbages squashed. "Poor guy." I thought. Then the guard earthbended a rock to float above Aang. "State your business!"

Aang hurriedly ran to him, pointing a finger to his chest. "My business is my business, young man and none of yours! I've got half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside!"

"Settle down old timer, just tell me who you are." The guard said.

"Name's Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the 3rd!" Aang spoke a bit hesitantly. "And these are my grandkids!" 

My eye twitched, I resisted the urge to face palmed. "Hi Mia Pippinpaddleopsicopolis, nice to meet you." I gave a small wave and a fake smile.

"You seem like a responsible young lady see that your grandfather stays out of trouble." He pointed at me, and I nodded.

He let us go but suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

We froze, he stopped Sokka. "You're a strong young boy. Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag!"

I stifled a laugh, Aang got his bag and threw it at Sokka. "Good idea." Off we were into Omashu.

Sokka and Katara were in awe at the place. Aang and I just looked at each other, remembering the fun times we had with Bumi. "I wonder how he is."

"This is the Omashu delivery system. Earth bending brings the packages up and gravity brings it down." Aang stated pointing at tubes and chutes.

"Great so everyone gets their mail on time." Sokka remarked sarcastically.

"They do get their mail on time." I said ignoring Sokka's sarcasm.

"But our friend Bumi, found a better use for these chutes." Aang and I beamed, both recalling the memory.

"One ride and we're off to the North Pole." Aang said as we got in.

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