XIII : Fortunes

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We were camping by a lake to freshen up. Aang and I decided not to tell Katara and Sokka about our run in with Zuko. There was a fish that kept leaping out of the water. Sokka stared at it and grabbed his fishing pole. "You're going to be dinner!" He tried to cast a line but it turns out there was none. "Hey what happened? Where's the line?"

"Sorry Sokka, I didn't know you needed it." Aang grinned and showed him a necklace he made. He turned to Katara. "I actually made it for you Katara, it's a thank you for helping me and all." He awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"Real smooth." I mouthed to him.

"Thanks Aang, I love it." Katara said as she took the necklace from him, removing the one on her neck and replacing it with Aang's.

"Great Aang Maybe instead of saving the world, you can go into the jewelry business." Sokka said.

"I don't see why I can't do both." Aang replied.

"How do I look?" Katara asked as she wore Aang's necklace.

Aang blushed, "You mean all of you or just your neck? I mean both look great."

I smirked, "Aang you're in deep."

"Smoochy smoochy. Someone's in love." Sokka commented as he pretend to kiss the fish which ended up slapping him.

"Stop teasing him, Sokka. Aang's just a good friend." She patted him on the head. "A sweet little guy, just like Momo." She removed the necklace and put back her original one on.

"Thanks." Aang mumbled.

"Don't worry Egg Head, I support you." I whispered to him as I winked.

Sokka came out of the water and mumbled grumpily. I laughed, "So I'm guessing the fish won?" He didn't reply and continued to sulk.

Momo jumped to a huge rock, as Aang followed him. "Someone's being attack by a platypus bear!" He yelled and pointed out.

The platypus bear snarled at him, waving its arm towards him. The man on the other was easily avoiding its attacks. "Well hello there. Nice day isn't it?"

"Make noise! He'll run off!" Aang yelled.

"No, play dead he'll lose interest!" Sokka interjected.

"Or just run away!" I shouted.

He didn't listen to us and continued to evade the platypus bear's attacks. It was getting too close to him, I leaped from the rocks and stood in between them. I blasted some air creating distance between the two, then Appa roared shocking the platypus bear. It layed an egg and scampered away.

Sokka grabbed the egg and licked his lips. "Lunch!" He sniffed it happily. "Lucky for you, we came along."

"Thanks." The mad stood up. "But everything was already under control. Not to worry. Aunt Wu predicted I'd have a safe journey.

"Aunt who?" Aang asked.

"No, Aunt Wu. She's the fortune-teller from my village." He smiled. "Awful nice to know your future."

"Wow it must be." Katara mumbled, then she beamed. "That explains why you were so calm!"

"But the fortune-teller was wrong. You didn't have a safe journey. You were almost killed!" Sokka yelled.

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