II : A Friend

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97 years later...

"Monkeyfeathers!" I jolted up, breathing heavily. "Where am I?"

I washed up on a beach. I stood up and decided to walk around. I walked along the shore of the beach and when I noticed something floating in the water. "Is that my glider?"

I jumped into the water and swam towards it. I grabbed my glider but something felt off. "Why do I feel like I'm not alone in the-AHHHH"

A giant sea serpent appeared, I opened my glider only to see half of it singed. "Just got to get back to land!"

I flew back to shore barely keeping my balance as the sea serpent went back to the water. "You got some guts." I heard a voice say.

I turned and saw a girl wearing green armored kimono with white make up on her face. "Um...thanks?"

The girl smiled, "My name's Suki."


Suki looked at her with curiosity. "You're an airbender, aren't you?"

I smirked. "What gave it away?"

"It's just I thought all Airbenders were extinct."

I froze at what she said. "Ex-extinct? What do you mean?"

"You mean you don't the know about the 100 year war?"

I blinked. "100 year war? How long was I out?"

Suki must have noticed my uneasiness when she approached me. "I was about to go training with the Kyoshi Warriors, want to come with?"

"Kyoshi? As in Avatar Kyoshi?" I hesitated for a bit, I had no idea where I am. I nearly escaped a sea serpent, I just learned there was a war going on and now a random girl in white make up has asked me to join her. Well what else am I supposed to do? "Sure."

She smiled and lead me to a small house to see different girls wearing the same attire and make up as Suki. "Listen up Kyoshi Warriors, we have company." She motioned to me. "This is Alara."

Everyone nodded to me, "Is she joining us?" A girl asked.

"Well I" I hesitated I don't even know these girls yet.

"Well that would be up to her, I just wanted her to see and maybe that could help her decide." Suki winked at me.

The Kyoshi Warriors practiced their stances and I was amazed. They looked so graceful yet powerful. The sun began to set and the Kyoshi Warriors finished their last set of training for today. They bid their goodbyes as Suki walked towards me. "I don't suppose you have a place to stay?"

I shook my head. "No I don't." The floor suddenly became interesting to me.

Suki motioned me to follow her. "Well come on then!"

"I know I should've asked this sooner, but where am I?" I asked while making some tea.

"Kyoshi Island." Suki replied as I poured her a cup of tea. "Thanks."

"If this is Kyoshi Island then that sea serpent was the Unagi!" I exclaimed but then I remembered Aang, he would've loved to be here.

Suki noticed my sudden change of mood and placed a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

I shrugged. "Don't worry it's nothing."

Suki gave me a look and remained silent waiting for my answer. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "My brother always wanted to go here, said he wanted to ride on the Unagi."

"Does you brother have a death wish or something?" Suki and I giggled.

We continued talking and sharing stories, like the one time I pranked Aang resulting with eggs on his head thus the name "Egg head".  She told me all about the war going on, how the Fire Nation has taken over. "Wait so they attacked all Air Temples?" I asked her.

Suki looked at me sadly, "I'm afraid so."

I clenched my fists. Suki placed a hand on my shoulder comfortingly, giving me a soft smile. "Thanks Suki, and if you don't mind, can we keep this whole thing about me being an airbender between us? I just don't think it's a good idea for people knowing."

Suki just nodded and started to clean up. Before she left me, "Alara I really need that answer though."

I gave a confused look. "What answer?"

Suki smiled, "If you're going to join the Kyoshi Warriors?"

A year later...

Things have been going well. After all the trainings and traditions I was a Kyoshi Warrior. I actually got along with the girls there. Suki and I became close friends afterwards and she made me second in command. But I knew I couldn't stay, in the back of my mind I wanted to go back to the Air Temples, find out exactly what happened to them.

"Earth to Alara?" Suki waved a hand over me.

I blinked back from my thoughts. "Did I miss something?"

"Not really is something wrong?" She asked with concern.

I bit my tongue, I had to leave. "Suki I need to leave."

"What?" Her face fell into shock.

"It's not that I'm not grateful for everything!" I looked down. "It's just I need to find out what happened to the Air Temples."

She nodded, "I get it, don't worry."

I grinned and hugged her. "Thanks Suki."

Several days later I prepared for my journey. I've already bid my fellow Kyoshi Warriors goodbye.
"That's 3 for Alara and 2 for Suki." I extended a hand to Suki. It was after training hours but Suki and I stayed a bit later for a bit of sparring.

She glared at me and grabbed my hand. "I'll get you next time."

"We'll see." I smirked and drank some water.

"But there is a next time right?"

I gave her a sad smile and hugged her. "Of course there will be. You're my best friend Suki! I'll come back."

"You better or the whole Kyoshi Warriors will be after you." She smiled, still hugging me. "You have your things?"

I nodded, I brought the Kyoshi Warriors fan and Katana with me just incase there might be trouble. We got my things and said our goodbyes. It's been a good year here in Kyoshi but I knew I had to return to the Air Temples. Even if there were no survivors, I need to know exactly what happened. I turned around giving one last look at the village, Suki was still there. I smiled, and put on the headband she gave me so people wouldn't recognize my Airbending tattoos. Whether she could see me or not, I waved and continued back on my journey.

Alara's Tale ~ Book I : WaterWhere stories live. Discover now