IV : Blue Spirit

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Never thought being alone would get so...BORING. I was throwing pebbles by a river. "I can't do anything!" I groaned and lay down on the grass. I reached for my map trying to find out where I am. If I read it right, it would be only a few more days until I reach the Southern Air Temples. I sighed, the map on my face. Slowly I started to drift off to sleep.

"What's wrong Alara?" Monk asked as he sat down beside me.

We were at the top of the Northern Air Temple, it was my favorite spot of the whole place. "Nothing Monk Pan no worries." I gave him a small smile.

"Well then I'll just watch the sunset with you." We both stared at the sky. Blue mixing with orange, bisons and baby bisons flying around.

"It's beautiful." I said staring in awe.

"Too bad you left it behind."

"What?" I looked back to Monk Pan but he wasn't there. Suddenly smoke covered the sky. I rushed down and saw the whole Temple burning. I tried putting out the fires but it was just too much. There was nothing I could do. Then I heard footsteps coming, it was the fire nation soldiers.

I blasted air in their direction trying to hold them off but there was just too many. Before I realized, I was surrounded, their fist aimed at me. I gave one last look at the sunset ready to face my fate as the fire reached me.

I jolted up, breathing heavily. My forehead was drenched in sweat. There was a noise in the forest, "To go to the noise in the forest where there's probably something out there to kill me or go away from it with more chances of surviving?"

I grabbed my katana and followed the noise. I ended up near a Fire Nation factory. I looked around and spotted a glimpse of blue sneaking inside. "You know what, it's probably not worth getting roasted by Fire Nation soldiers." I thought out loud and ventured back to the river.

I hummed a tune on the way back. I realized I haven't used my bending in awhile, mostly because it would draw attention to myself but I missed it. Looking around, all I saw was trees, trees and more trees. Where else would be perfect?

I took a breathe and jumped to the nearest tree. One tree then to another, I missed this feeling. Little did I know I was back at the factory. I saw that person again only this time him were running out or limping? Fire nation soldiers were right behind him chasing into the woods. "I should leave...but I know I have to help." I sighed and followed where they were going.

They were in the middle of the forest, the bright moonlight shining on them. I finally was able to get a glimpse of the 'mystery person'. Turns out the blue I saw was a mask. He quickly dodged the attacks the soldiers were hitting him but it was too much. I jumped and kicked one of the soldiers down. I drew my katana, dodging the fire as best as I could. One by one the soldiers lessened soon it was just me and the 'mystery person'. I turned to look him only to see him passed out on the grass, his mask slightly moved revealing a scar on his face. Sighing, I took one of his arms, slung it around my shoulders and carried him back to where I was staying.

Hours has passed and still he wasn't waking up. I didn't dare to remove the mask, not wanting to wake him up. It was going to be sunrise soon, then I saw something glistening from his side. I slowly I removed it from him and it was a teacup?

He stirred quietly, he was mumbling something. "Uncle..."

He quickly jolted up, and saw me. He tried standing up but couldn't due to the pain on his leg. "What did you do to me?!" He yelled.

"Saving your life that is." I replied.

He groaned, trying to get up back again only to stumble back. I rolled my eyes and tried to help him stand up. "Stop trying you're just gonna hurt yourself more."

He glared at me. "Get your hands off you filthy peasant."

"Suit yourself." I let go and he stumble back once again.

I stifled a laugh but he noticed. "This is not funny!"

"Listen hothead, you don't want to be here as much I as do so cooperate and we can get a move on." I said to him.

"Then why won't you just leave me?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"Cause I don't turn my back on people." I paused. "Even grumpy ones like you." I joked.

"I'm not grumpy!" He yelled back.

"Just keeping saying that to yourself."

We were silent most of the time. He would sometimes throw pebbles into the river. There's something about so familiar but I can't put my finger to it. It's just that scar, I know I've heard something about a prince having it. But why would a prince be stealing? "One way to find out." I walked towards and sat down. "You know you never told me your name."

"Never told me yours either." He quickly replied.

"It's Alara."


"So Lee," I started. "What the heck were you thinking going into a fire nation factory and stealing from them?!"

He didn't respond, only stared to the river. I sighed, and turned to the river. "At least it's a nice teacup."

"It was for my Uncle. The head of the factory has it with him."

I looked at him, you know when you get pass the hot headed attitude he looked kinda...cute. "So your Uncle sent you to steal a teacup for him?"

"He doesn't know I went to get it, as it was supposed to be the whole set. I just didn't have the time...you know what why am I even telling you this." He faced the other side.

Nightfall came and Lee was asleep by the campfire I made. With one last look, I set off to forest. Several leaps from tree to tree, I'm back at the factory. "What am I doing?" I wrapped a cloth around my mouth just to disguise my face and hopped towards the factory.

I saw an opening to the factory and jumped in. I stealthily made my way in trying to look for a the place where the head of the factory stays. "If I was the big boss man where would I stay?"

I ducked, there was a couple of soldiers passing by. I tried to lean in to listen to their conversation. "You heard about the Fire Prince?"

"Yeah wasn't he banished?"

"Banished and burned, left a mark right on his face." My eyes widened at the conversation. "I remember now!"

"Hey back to work! You there wait." A Fire Nation soldier told the other soldier "Here take this to the boss. It's a message from Captain Zhao."

"And that's my cue." I waited for the other fire nation soldier left and followed the one going to the boss.

He opened the door and I peeked inside no one was there. I quickly hid as he came back from the door shutting it. As he left I went to the door and picked the lock. "Thank you Suki." The door opened and I quickly scanned the room for the tea set. I spotted it, carefully picking it up but the door was opening. I saw a window and jumped. I kicked a blast of air and came crashing down the forest. I groaned, and checked the tea set, still in one piece. "What did I do?"

I returned to the campsite to see Lee awake. He turned to me glaring. I rolled my eyes and gave him the tea set. "Hope your Uncle is happy."

His eyes widened, and stared at me. "Why did you do this?"

I shrugged, "Didn't want you to get injured for nothing now, and also another thing."

"Which is?" He asked.

"You owe me."

Hours passed and I fell asleep. As I woke up, he was gone. The only thing left was that teacup he stole. I smiled, "Till we meet again, Prince Zuko."

Alara's Tale ~ Book I : WaterWhere stories live. Discover now