V : Fast Forwards

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Here I was, the Southern Air Temple. I examined the Temple it was just like it was before but I spoke too soon. Everything was covered in ash, the once happy demeanor it had all gone. I went all over the place, from where the bisons would eat, to the place where Aang and I would play around, my old room. It felt so empty.

I sank down, feeling the tears spill from my eyes. "This is what I wanted to know right?"

I cried, I didn't know what else to do. Hugging my knees, I just stayed there for hours. "I should've stayed! Then maybe I could've been with Aang and even if I died at least I could've been there with him." I rose up looking at the horizon. "I'm so sorry Aang." Shaking my head, I went off regretting going here in the first place.

2 years later...

"Suki 2 Alara 1." Suki smiled and extended a hand for me.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand, standing up. "Yeah, yeah how about a 3 out of 5?"

"You're on!"

But then we heard some yelling outside. "Suki it's the Unagi!" One of the the Kyoshi Warriors yelled.

We both looked at each and nodded, readied our gear. It felt quite nostalgic every time I put on the Kyoshi Warriors gear. We went towards the lake spotting a group of kids, two of them seems to be wearing watertribe clothes and the other. "No it can't be...those are air nomad clothes."

I shook my head and went back to focus. We ambushed them, I was focusing mostly on the watertribe kids. We tied them up covering their eyes and dragged them back to the village tying them up on a pole.

"You three got some explaining to do."

"If you don't answer all our questions, we'll throw you back to the Unagi." Suki warned them.

"Show yourselves cowards!" The boy in the watertribe clothes yelled. Suki went to him and ripped the blindfold off. We did the same with the other two. I froze he looked just like Aang, but that's impossible. It's been 100 years, it can't be him.

"Who are you? Where are the men who ambushed us?" The watertribe boy asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"There were no men, we ambushed you. Now tell us who are you and what are you doing here?" Suki asked, glaring at the boy.

He eyed us. "Wait a second! There's no way a bunch of girls took us down."

Suki grabbed his coat. "A bunch of girls, huh? The Unagi's gonna eat well tonight."

"No don't hurt him he didn't mean it!" The watertribe girl spoke up. "My brother's just an idiot sometimes." Suki let go of his coat.

"It's my fault." The Air nomad boy spoke this time. "I'm sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the elephant koi."

"How do we know you're not Fire Nation spies? Kyoshi stayed out of the war so far, and we intend to keep it that way."

"This island is named Kyoshi? I know Kyoshi." His mood suddenly brightened.

"How could you possibly know her? Avatar Kyoshi was born here 400 years ago. She's been dead for centuries."

The Air Nomad thought for a bit, like he was contemplating whether or not he should say something. "I know her because I'm the Avatar."

My eyes widened, and my breathe hitched. Before I could say anything Suki butted in, "That's impossible, the last Avatar was an airbender who disappeared a hundred years ago."

"That's me." He beamed.

"Throw the imposter to the Unagi."

"No wait!" I yelled.

Alara's Tale ~ Book I : WaterWhere stories live. Discover now