XII : We Meet Again

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329 READS THANK YOU GUYS 😭❤️ We've only got a several chapters left so I hope you enjoy!

~ MC

We were staying over since Sokka got sick. "This should bring your fever down." Katara presses the cloth on Sokka's forehead.

"You know what I love about Appa the most? His sense of humor." Sokka shakily said.

"That's nice Sokka, we'll tell him." I replied.

Appa roared and Sokka laughed. "Classic Appa."

"How's Sokka doing?" Aang asked.

"Not so good." Katara answered worriedly. "Being in that storm really did a number on him."

"Wish I could help, but I'm don't really know how to cure fevers, just know how to make a few painkillers." I shrugged.

"I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea, but I found a map." Aang placed it on the ground. "There's an herbalist institute on the top of that mountain." He motioned over. "We could probably find a cure for Sokka there."

"Aang, he's in no condition to travel. Sokka just needs more rest. I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow." Katara coughed, and coughed.

"Oh boy, I'm staying away from the two of you." I jumped towards Aang.

"Relax it was just a little cough. I'm fi-" Katara continued coughing.

"Nope that's exactly how Sokka started yesterday!" I pointed to him. "Now look at him he thinks he's an Earthbender!"

"Take that you rock!" Sokka moved his arms around imitating a bender.

"We'll go find some medicine."

Aang nodded at me and opened his glider. I stopped him before he could fly and pointed at the sky, on cue lightning stroke. Aang placed his glider on the side. "Yeah I think it's better to go on foot."

Appa roared, and Sokka laughed again. "You guys are killing me."

I face palmed and jumped out, Aang beside me. "Hey Aang, race you!" I yelled making a run for it.

"Alara!" Aang yelled behind me.

I laughed as we were know neck on neck. We passed by some people but I didn't pay that much notice. We ran up the stairs, the fatigue finally catching up to me. As I got on the top, Aang wasn't there yet. "Yes! 100 years later I'm still fas-AHHH" My victory was cut short as Aang crashed into me.

"Sorry sis." Aang grinned and help me up.

"It's fine." I stretched my back. "Come on!" I ran towards the hut. I looked around and saw the place was covered in all sorts of plants. There was an old lady mushing something and a cat. "Hello!"

Aang came beside me. "We're sorry to barge in like this, but we need some medicine for our friends. They have fevers and have been coughing-"

"Settle down, young man." The lady told him. "Your friends are going to be fine." She glanced at me and smiled. "I've been up here for over 40 years, you know? Used to be others but they all left years ago. Now it's just me and Miyuki." She petted the cat.

"That's nice." Aang and I commented.

"Wounded Earth Kingdom Troops still come by now and again." She continued to stir whatever she was making. "Brave boys. And thanks to my remedies, they always leave in better shape than when they arrive."

"That's nice." I told her.

"Are you almost done?" Aang continued for me.

"Hold on. I just need to add one last ingredient." She went off to find the plant.

Alara's Tale ~ Book I : WaterWhere stories live. Discover now