XIX : Till We Meet Again

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Hi Everyone! First off Happy New Year! 🎉
As the New Year begins, we have reached the end of this book. This will be the last chap guys! So I hope you enjoy! ❤️

~ MC

"I should've never left! If I had stayed maybe, Aang would still be here and not stuck somewhere out in the cold!" I yelled angrily as a rush of air blew making Katara's, Sokka's and Princess Yue's go up.

"Look we would have never known what would happen." Sokka tried to comfort me but I just shrugged it off.

Katara approached me. "I'm sorry Alara."

I sighed, "It's fine, you did everything you could." I paused to look at the fish swimming at the pond. "Zuko couldn't have gotten far. We may be able to catch up on them." I hopped on Appa with the rest following me.

"Momo, you stay here, incase Aang comes back." I told the lemur. I grabbed the reins, "yip yip" with that we were off.

We continued to fly for sometime despite the freezing temperatures. I turned to look at my friends, their eyes were searching the blizzard as well. I stopped Appa, and went down. The snow was making it harder to see. Sokka went down beside me, we both were looking frantically but nothing.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw Sokka giving me a reassuring smile. "We'll find him Alara."

"I hope so Sokka..." I whispered. "I hope so."

We went back to Appa and continued our search for Aang. With every minute, the feeling of dread keeps growing. I looked at the back, and I saw Katara and Princess Yue huddled in their coats. "I know Aang doesn't have to worry about the cold...but Zuko?"

I shook my head from my thoughts. "Main priority is finding your brother Alara...you can deal with Zuko later when you find him." I whisper to myself.

Somewhere in the Spirit World...

Aang exhaled a breathe of relief. "You're just a curly-tailed blue nose."

It turned around and revealed a faceless face. Aang gasped but quickly regained himself. He drew a deep breathe and went forward. "Show no fear. Show no emotion at all."

He walked down a steep set of stairs. "Hello?" Aang called out. "I'm looking for a spirit named Koh."

Aang continued to walk down keeping his face as emotionless as possible. "Welcome." A centipede like creature went in front of him.

Aang blinked, still maintaining his poker face. "Thank you." He bowed.

"My old friend, the Avatar. It's been a long time." The Spirit said as he circled around Aang. "I thought you would be accompanied by another person."

"Wait you know me?" Aang asked.

"Of course I do. How could I forget you? One of your previous incarnations tried to slay me," He went close to Aang's face trying to surprise him but to no avail. "Maybe 800 to 900 years ago."

"I didn't know that...why did he or I try to kill you?"

"Oh," He changed his face into a woman. "It was something about stealing the face of someone you loved." He changed his face again and laughed. "Of course that's all behind us. Why should I hold a grudge against you for something in a past life? After all you're a different person now." He whispered to Aang's ear. "You've come to me with a new face."

Back with Appa...

"Don't worry Prince Zuko won't be getting too far in this blizzard." Princess Yue told me as I switched with Sokka.

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