1- I dare you

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{Your POV}

You stand in the middle of the dark, deserted road and cock your head, staring at the two boys in front of you through lazy, half-opened eyes. One is clearly the leader, more protective over the other. He has half-red, half-white hair and a scar spreading over his left eye. Not a soulmate scar, though, you decide. The other boy is hanging back slightly, looking a little intimidated. By what? You? You stare at the boys, not moving at all. You hardly look intimidating in your dirty grey hoodie and ripped jeans. You watch as the other boy steps forward toward you.

"Who are you?" he asks. You blink slowly.

"I'm me." You say, voice devoid of emotion.

"Are you a student at UA?" He asks.

"No." You take your hands out of your pocket and take a few steps toward the boys. 

"Then who are you? What is your quirk?" The scarred boy asks.

"My quirk? Oh, it's vines." You reach your hand out. The cement underneath it cracks and green plants begin to climb upwards toward your hand.

"So you like plants?" The other boy says. You smirk.

"Like plants? You're funny, Izuku Midoriya."

The boy immediately becomes defensive.

"How do you know his name?" The scarred boy says.

"The same way I know yours, Shoto Todoroki. The Sports Festival. I do own a TV." The vines that burst from your foot begin to snake around in all directions. "And may I compliment you on your performance?"

The boys say nothing. They don't see the vines on the ground getting closer to them. One vine inches it's way up Midoriya's right ankle, but he doesn't notice.

"No? Okay, then. You know, it's not safe for you out here all alone. Might run into..." You smile slightly and raise your arms up. "...a villain."

The vines suddenly rear up and surround the two boys, tying them up and hoisting them into the air. The buys realized what big of a problem they were in as they did the logical thing: use their quirks to get out.

"Midoriya, my quirk isn't working." Todoroki said, quite obviously panicking but trying not to show it. 

"Of course not. The vines I control are super strong. Quirks can't destroy them. And you are unable to use your quirks while in contact with them. Try to escape, I dare you." You say, inspecting your fingernails in an attempt to look nonchalant. "Oh, and you asked me my name, didn't you? It's..." You turn and stare directly into Izuku Midoriya's eyes. "I'm known by Irakusa."

{Midoriya's POV

Irakusa, as she calls herself, is scaring me. It's not the scar in the shape of a fist blossoming over her left cheek. It's not how she so casually defeated Todoroki and I. It's not that her name meaning 'stinging nettle' hinting that she can do more with those vines then just tie us up. It's something about those cold, dead eyes that makes my face flush red. Todoroki is struggling against his bonds frantically. I can see blood dripping from underneath the vines.

"Todoroki, you're hurting yourself! Stop!" I call out to him. Why is he bleeding? I squint at the vines holding me. They're covered in tiny spikes, like a cactus. Yet the spikes aren't hurting me. In fact, I can't even really feel the vines either. It just feels like gusts of hot air around my chest and arms. But I still can't move. Irakusa is watching us with a bored expression on her face, but a peculiar light in her eyes, turning her head back and forth. She reminds me of someone, but I just can't place it. Then there is a snapping noise behind us. I turn my head but I can't see who she's looking at.

"I got them. Give me my money." She says.

"Well, seems I may have underestimated you." A gravelly voice says as three dark figures walk into view. 

"I don't care for chatting. Give me my money." She says.

"You ripped us off! This job wasn't as hard as you made it out to be!" The figure in front says. "Tell you what, I'll pay you half of what I owe you." He raises his arms apart, as if it is a good offer. Irakusa moves too fast for me to see what happens next. All I know is that the two henchmen- for that was what they were- were pinned against a wall by her vines. She's sitting on the leader's back, pinning his hands behind his back and pulling a vine around his neck.

"I don't know if you understand this, but I get very defensive over my money. These vines have retractable spikes that I can shrink and enlarge at will. If you'd prefer to keep your throat intact, I'd like my money now."

Who was this girl? She had been standing in the middle of the road, reveal to know exactly who we were, incapacitate us without batting an eye, and manage to take down a villain four times her size and age. The man shakes his head. Suddenly spikes pop out of the vines, scratching his throat slightly.

"I don't make jokes. I don't exaggerate. Now give me my money." She says angrily.

"All right, all right!" The guy says. He tosses her a pack of money.

"Thank you. Try to take it back, you're dead." She says, and then she snaps his arm back sharply. There's a sickening snap and she stands up. She winks and salutes Todoroki and I, then the vines holding us relent, burrowing back underground as Todoroki and I fall the the ground. He lands on  his feet and immediately freezes the three villains with his ice, immobilizing them. I am not that lucky and hit the ground rather roughly. 

"Quick, we have to go after her!" Todoroki yells. But Irakusa is already gone. 

"That was strange. Her vines didn't even seem real." I say. Todoroki furrows his brow.

"No, they were definitely real. My arms and chest are all scratched up."

"Weird." I say, looking off in the direction Irakusa went.

"Yeah, weird." Todoroki agrees.

That girl interests me, to say the least.

(Thank you for reading the first part of "Entangled"! I've been planning this story for a long time, so I'm excited to start reading it! I'm a student with a lot of schoolwork most days, so there may be long periods of time in between uploads. If this happens, I'm sorry. If it exists, please click the button to move onto the next part. If it doesn't, it will soon! Leave a heart and a comment if you'd like me to continue!)

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now