3- New Mission

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{Your POV}

You crouch in between a row of bushes and a wall, carefully shielding yourself from view with a few vines. They definitely saw you. As you crouch you hear the two walk away silently. You stay there for a while longer, in case anyone else still had to walk out of UA. After a few minutes a sudden buzzing in your pocket causes you to jump. You pull out your phone. There is one new notification. 

There is a disturbance at (1) new location(s):

012 (4:53)

"Aw shit. Not him right now." You mutter, carefully pocketing your phone and sneaking out of your hiding spot.

Every time someone wished to hire you, you'd give them an address to a place that could be anywhere from a secret basement to a elegant apartment. You had bought around fifty such meeting places. If someone attempted to hire you for the second time, they would go to the exact same place. Location 12 was a small, one-room basement that had used to be part of a hospital but was sealed off. The person who would always meet you at location 12 was one of your most avid customers, and one you hated working with. Of course, maybe someone else had entered the location, unaware of it's true purpose, but the only way in was a door that had a seven-number code  and a short password phrase that only you and your client knew. You stop walking and turn to enter the hospital. A young woman standing at the door approaches you.

"Name?" She asks, smiling brilliantly.

"Gimei Eiriasu." You give her a fake name that you used often. Her eyes widen in recognition.

"Password?" She says more quietly. You whisper the password to her. 

"Right this way." She leads you to a door hidden in the alley. "He's a little mad." She warns you.

"I've dealt with worse, Sueki." You say. Sueki nods and walks back to  her place at the hospital doors as you type in the code on the lock on the door. There's a loud click and it swings open, revealing a dark stairway. As soon as you step inside, the door closes, leaving you in darkness. But you don't need any light. You've been to this place so many times that you are aware of every little detail of the area. As you walk down the stairs, your thoughts turn to Sueki.

She had been one of your classmates at UA last year. She was one of the few who turned to villainy, and she worked many different jobs, always a helping hand to any villains at need. She was one of the only two people who actually knew everything about you and your job, and as such many of her jobs were also nearby some of your locations. You knew and trusted her, and she trusted you, but you had never actually officially said that you were friends. 

The stars ended with a brittle-looking wooden door with a rusted brass doorknob. You feel around for it, then turn it. The inside of the room is not very friendly looking. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all made of the same grey cement. There is a table with four chairs in the center of the room, all made of the same black metal. A lone naked bulb swings above the table. One of the chairs at the table is occupied.

"Hello, Tomura Shigaraki." You say, surveying the figure sitting in the chair. You can't tell if he's looking at you or not through the hand on his face.

"Irakusa. I heard you dispatched three of my best men yesterday." He says in a menacing tone. It doesn't faze you. You casually slide into a chair across from him.

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now