15- Embarrassment and Love

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{Your POV}

You freeze, breathing heavily, curling up into a tiny ball and wedging yourself in between a dumpster and a wall. 

"I think she went this way!" Someone says. You hear the police officers who were trailing you all head in the opposite direction. You let out a shaky sigh as a lone tear leaks out of one eye and you rest your head against the moderately warm metal. This was a nightmare. All you wanted was to see Izuku again and be safe and home. Home. What even was a home? Did you have one? Your basement wasn't a home. At least, not anymore. It was certainly being watched, so you couldn't go there. But where? The next closest place to a home was Izuku's house, but that was probably being watched as well. Of course, you wanted nothing more than to be with him. Damn it. You cover your face with your hands and sigh. He said that he loved you, right? That was what you heard, right? Or could it have been a trick? What in hell was happening anymore? Did you love him back? How did you feel towards him? All you know is that you want to see him again. All right. That settles it. You're going to Izuku's house.

You twist yourself out from in between the wall and start walking down the alleys. It's a warm summer night, which is good, because the hospital dress you're wearing wouldn't be much cover against the cold.

After a little under an hour of walking, since you were too afraid of being recognized to use your quirk, a familiar building comes into view. Knocking on the door is an awful idea, as his mom will most likely answer and then, upon recognizing you, would call the police. So you climb up the fire escape, looking into all the windows, until... you freeze. The moonlight casts your shadow across a bed with a sleeping shape in it. You reach down, and, to your surprise and delight, discover the window is unlocked. You slide it up quickly and silently and creep into the room. Where you placed your hand on the windowsill, small stringy vines start growing. The boy in the bed is still sleeping soundly, his green hair a tangled mess. You smile slightly at the sight of him so peaceful, and look around the room. There's a pile of clothes on the floor.

"Sorry, Izuku..." You mumble, before picking up a shirt that literally said 'Shirt' on it, a denim jacket, and a pair of leggings off of the ground. You turn around and slide the hospital gown over your head, flushing slightly. It feels so strange to be getting undressed in a room with a boy in it, even if he's asleep. You pull on the shirt, leggings, and jacket, and then whirl around. The door had creaked slightly. You take a few steps toward it only to see Izuku's mother standing there. She looks at you with wide eyes. You put a finger to your lips and make a pleading motion with your hands, mouthing 'please.' She stands still for a moment, then nods and closes the door.

Thank god. That could've been awful.

You turn to leave the room again, only to discover a few small vines have grown on the windowsill, and are still growing. As you watch, two vines curl upwards, making a heart-shape. You roll your eyes, cheeks getting warm. Sometimes your vines had minds of their own, it seemed like. You boost yourself onto the window sill and turn back around for one last glimpse at Izuku. He rolls over slightly and you see that he's been gripping the flower you gave him before you passed out, the one that would indicate your current mood. It's hot pink right now.


Hot pink?

A mix of embarrassment and...


Oh no.

Oh shit.

You dumbass.

You total and complete dumbass.

Do you know what you've done?


You've fallen in love.

(Thank you for reading the fifteenth part of "Entangled"! I know it was short, but I really wanted to upload two parts in the same night, and besides, the last one was long. I'm a student with a lot of schoolwork most days, so there may be long periods of time in between uploads. If this happens, I'm sorry. If it exists, please click the button to move onto the next part. If it doesn't, it will soon! Leave a heart and a comment if you'd like me to continue!)

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now