16- The Best Things are Unexpected

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{Midoriya's POV}

When I woke up this morning, I was not expecting it to end as it did. But the best things are unexpected.


The first thing that happened this morning when I woke up was fire. Pain. I couldn't breathe. Blood fills my lungs and I can't inhale. I start choking and hacking, and I reach into my mouth to pull out a flower. But not just a flower. It's attached to a vine, which is covered in more flowers, and thorns. Long, sharp thorns cutting up the inside of my throat. I yank it, and it snaps, causing blood to splatter all over my room.

It's getting worse. I don't know how much longer I have.

I sigh and get out of bed, throat burning and mouth tasting metallic. I reach for my favorite shirt to wear under my uniform, but it's gone.

"HEY, MOM! DID YOU TAKE MY-!" It feels like broken glass in my throat. I cough a little, retching up two flowers. "-SHIRT?"

"Just wear a different one!" She says. I sigh- ow -and change into my school uniform.

School is different today. Mr. Aizawa saw everything that happened in the hospital room, and he avoids looking at me during class.

"Wow, Deku, you look terrible!" Uraraka remarks during lunch. I look at my reflection in my soup. I'm pale and my features are sunken, my lips cracked and covered in dried blood.

"I know." I rasp out.

Then, during the last period of the day, I was spacing out in my seat. I glance out the window and then back at Mr. Aizawa, freeze, and then slowly look back out the window.

There's a girl down there. 

She's pacing back and forth in front of the school, looking nervous. She glances up at me and I look down. When I look back, she's gone.

{Your POV}

whatdoyoudowhatdoyousayohshitohshitwhatwillhedowhatwillhesaywhyareyouherewhatareyoudoingohshitohshitohshit- there's someone watching you!

You jump into the bushes. You had been pacing in front of UA for hours, nervously waiting for either Izuku to get out of school or some hero to spot you. You had casually looked up at the building, only to see someone in the building staring at you.

Your heart pounds as you press your back against that wall. Did they see you? They definitely saw you. Someone's walking out of the gate now. You press into the darkness, making sure they can't see you. Oh damn, that person looks terrible! They're pale and with sunken features, their green hair limp and dangling- wait, they have green hair?

Your hands fly to your mouth. Oh my god. What did you do to him? This is all your fault. You gave him hanahaki. Now he's going to die.

{Midoriya's POV}

Mr. Aizawa let me out of class a little early since I looked like I was about to faint. I feel like I'm about to faint.

My foot snags on one of the bricks and I crash to the ground. My notebooks fly everywhere.

"Damn it." I reach for my hero notebook, but someone else grabs it first. They hold it up so my view of their face is blocked.

"Irakusa, the vine hero, huh? Thought she was a villain." They say.

"N-no. She may have been a villain, but I truly feel like she's a hero at heart." I say, starting to collect some of my other notebooks.

"She said the world doesn't need her... but to me, she is the world..." The person reads. "Sounds like you love her."

"More than she'll ever know." I get to my feet and hold out my hand for the notebook. They look up from it, eyes filled with tears. I gasp and take a step back. It's her.

"I... I didn't..." She starts to say, but before she can, I step forward and kiss her.

{Your POV}

You push away from him and step back in surprise, covering your mouth and blushing violently.

"O-oh my god, I'm so sorry..." He stammers.

"You can't just kiss me without my permission!" You look down before saying something that shocks him. 

"Do it again."

"W-what?" He asks.

"God, do I have to do everything?" You step forward and pull him close to you, hesitating for a second, then you close your eyes and connect your lips. He jumps in surprise but then melts into you. You pull away, touching your foreheads together.

"Izuku, I... I love you too."

His eyes widen, then he smiles broadly. Suddenly, his face lights up, color returning to his cheeks. His hair seems to become three shades brighter and returns to its normal bounciness. 

"The tickle in my throat is gone... I think... my hanahaki is..."

"It's gone!" You cheer and kiss him passionately. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you off the ground as you drink in his warmth.

The sound of someone clearing their throat makes you snap apart. He sets you down as you both turn to see... his entire class.

"Shit..." You mutter. An alarm starts blaring.

 "There's a villain on campus!" Someone yells.

"I gotta run." You say, touching Izuku's cheek tenderly.

"Stay safe." He says sadly.

"Listen, no matter how long it takes me, I will find you. I promise." You say firmly before pressing something into his hand and running away.

{Midoriya's POV}

I look at what she gave me. It's a piece of paper.

Dear Izuku,

I'm sorry about everything, about the pain I put you through. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I can't believe you feel for me. Me, of all people. You have so many other choices, and you chose me, a dirty, messed-up villain. 

Metting you was the most interesting experience of my life. That night, all those weeks ago, you saw something in me, a spark or something, I don't know. And even though I was trying to capture you, you didn't care.

And then, when I discovered you were my soulmate, you didn't care that I had just captured all your friends. You still tried to help me.

You saw good in me, Izuku. I didn't even see it in myself.

Thank you. No matter what happens, I'm going to come back one day. We will see each other again, I swear it.

Love, Irakusa

(Thank you for reading the sixteenth part of "Entangled"!  I... don't know what to write here. I'm a student with a lot of schoolwork most days, so there may be long periods of time in between uploads. If this happens, I'm sorry. If it exists, please click the button to move onto the next part. If it doesn't, it will soon! Leave a heart and a comment if you'd like me to continue!)

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now