9- Thirty Seconds

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{Midoriya's POV}


I sigh and rub my temples. While a good friend, Iida was a bit too loud for me this morning. My throat is itchy and something in the back of it tickles, but I try to ignore it, with little luck. I turn around to see who Iida is yelling at. Oh, freaking Aoyama. He seems like a good person, but seriously? He's risking his safety just to stand there and try to look fabulous, something he generally suceeded at.

I choke back a laugh when I see Todoroki. He's obviously weirded out by Aoyama's antics, again. They have a funny little relationship, not seeming friends, but yet constantly sitting next to each other on the bus. 

The tickle in my throat returns. It seems like there's something lodged inside  my throat. I begin to cough and choke.

"Midoriya? Are you alright?" Iida asks me. I nod but keep coughing. Eventually I feel something surface in my throat and rise to my mouth. I pick it out of my mouth. A... what? A tiny f/c piece of paper? No, it feels too soft to be paper? A... flower petal? What the heck was a flower petal doing in my throat? My first thought goes to Irakusa? had her quirk done something to me? It couldn't have. She'd've mentioned it having any weird effects, wouldn't she'd've? (A/n: wtf was that sentence?)

"Uh, you appear to be coughing up flower petals." Iida saying, as confused as I am.

"No, I'm not. I must've, um, I don't know, accidentally eaten one the other day or something and it resurfaced? Nevermind, that's nasty. I'm sure it's nothing." I realize that perhaps I inhaled a flower petal from Irakusa last night, and that could be where it's from, but I don't know. The bus suddenly slows to a stop on the side of the road.

"There's nothing here. This must just be a rest stop." I say to myself as I get off the bus.

(Time skip one day and a half, it's the night of the 'students of the hero course attempting to scare eachother' activity)

{Your POV}

"Man, can we get down there already? This is so boring!" Twice says.

"Be patient. We're still waiting for one more person." Dabi says.

"You mean that minor rental chick?" Twice says. A vine flys out of the trees, knocking him to the ground. The Vanguard Action Squad all turns around to see you stride out of the trees.

"You mean that minor rental chick who just kicked your ass with one shot?" You say, satisfied with your dramatic entrance. "Oh, hello Toga!" You greet your old friend cheerily.

"Oh! Uh, this is going to sound completely awful, but I totally forgot your name." Toga says. You smile slightly.

"Irakusa. Just Irakusa. Anyway, I thought we were here to kick some hero ass. Why're we standing around here?"

"Waiting for you." Dabi says. You scowl at him.

"I'm not late. Time is irrelevant."

"Whatever. Anyway, you all know the plan, right? Let's go over it again, just to be sure."

Toga sighs. "Again?"

"Yes, again. Anyway, Muscular, Moonfish, and Mr.Compress, you all will be searching for Katsuki Bakugo. Magne, Spinner, you will be holding back the Pussycats. The nomu will be released to incite chaos. Mustard, you maintain a cloud of toxic gas to corner the students. Toga, you get a minimum of at least three blood samples. Irakusa, Twice, and I will all be distacting Eraserhead and Vlad King with clones. Everyone understand?"

"That's a bad idea!" Toga says quickly. "I was friends with Irakusa for a long time. If she get's anywhere near Eraserhead, she will most likely kill him."

"And," You add, "And, I'm not using clones. I don't like that bullshit. Why can't I go off on my own, like those three?" You gesture to Muscular, Moonfish, and Mr. Compress.

"Because you're too young." Dabi says.

"What kind of bull- I'm older than both Toga and that other kid, Mustard. I don't make a good distraction!"

"Oh my god! Just do whatever. Find Katsuki Bakugo." Dabi conceeds.

"I will!" You say, smug at winning the arguement.

As the group begins to walk away to find their positions, you find yourself walking next to Toga.

"So how do you like the gear?" She asks you excitedly. You look down at yourself. You're dressed in a skintight black jumpsuit and a black billowing cape, an odd combination that you actually kind of like. You pull up the hood of your cape and put on your night vision goggles.

"How do I look?" You ask. Toga giggles.

"Kind of scary."

"You're one to talk! With that bandanna and those big-ass needles. That's straight out of some horror movie."

"I know." She pouts. "I hate it."

(Time skip)

You walk through the pathways of the forest. Dabi said to stay hidden, but honestly, you don't like that demanding prick. It's been a while since you saw the blue flames and purple smoke begin to mingle above the trees, and yet you're still to find a single student. One of your biggest fears could come to life, though. Your half-sister was there. God, she was there! What if you ran into her? Could you fight her? Could you kill her?

A huge tremor rocks through the ground, halting your train of thought. It came from up there, up that huge cliff face. Using your vines, you carefully scale up it. You peer over the edge. 

Well of fucking course! God, damn it! Damn it all!

Izuku Midoriya is standing right there. You silently climb up onto the ledge, right behind Izuku.

"Hey Izuku." You say. He jumps out of his skin.

"Oh my god! Is, is that you, Irakusa?"

"Holy fuck! You did that to Muscular?" You suddenly notice the body on the ground and look at Izuku with a mix a fear and admiration. You pull down your hood and take off your goggles. Izuku looks a little stunned by your appreance. He's only seen you in hoodies, a formal dress that one time, and ratty pj's. So, naturally, he's taken aback to see you in something so sleek and, well, sexy. Plus, you did your makeup for some reason earlier, dark eyeliner, ebony eyeshadow, and scarlet lips. All in all, you knew you must look pretty attractive.

"Yeah... what're you doing here? Are you here to help us?"

You look at Izuku lopsidedly and place one hand on your hip.

"Oh." His faces falls.

"Yeah." You take a few steps forward and til Izuku's chin up so his gaze meets yours, your face only a few inches close.

"I'm sorry, but no matter how you try and convice yourself, I'm just a villain."

You wince at the words. Even saying them yourself doesn't ease the pain any less.

"Now take that kid and get out of here." You say, gesturing at the child with a red hat, who's been watching you and Izuku with confusion this whole time.

"Er, what?" Izuku looks a little befuddled.

"You heard me! Go!" You shove him away slightly. "I may be evil but I'm fair. I'll give you thirty seconds, and then I'm coming after you, alright?"

"Oh! T-thank you!" He says.

"Twenty-nine! Twenty-eight!" You yell. He scopps up the kid and runs off. You sigh and laugh quietly to yourself. "Almost feel sorry for him. Twenty-six, twenty-five, twenty-four..."

(Thank you for reading the ninth part of "Entangled"! I'm sorry, but I'm not good at writing Dabi and Toga's characters that well. So if they're a little out-of-character, sorry. I'm a student with a lot of schoolwork most days, so there may be long periods of time in between uploads. If this happens, I'm sorry. If it exists, please click the button to move onto the next part. If it doesn't, it will soon! Leave a heart and a comment if you'd like me to continue!)

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now