10- Time's up

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{Midoriya's POV}

I run as fast as I can, Kota on my back. Thirty seconds is not a lot of time, and Irakusa would be on my tail at any second. I couldn't help but let my mind wander back to how Irakusa looked. In her own words, she was a villain! She had no right to be that pretty! My heart is in my throat as I run faster. Then I see something move and I stop.

"Mr. Aizawa! Take Kota and run!"

"Midoriya, your arms are hurt. Return to camp with me." Mr. Aizawa says as I hand him Kota.

"No time! Someone's chasing me, and I have to tell Mandalay something important!" I take off running again, leaving him behind.

{Your POV}

"Two... one..." You say. "Time's up, Izuku Midoriya. Or..." You start slowly walking in the direction Izuku went. "Maybe not..."

He knew they were looking for Katsuki Bakugo, right? And you had never much cared for sneaky, secret missions. You'd honestly prefer a big fight. So maybe, if he warned Bakugo, you'd be able to fight the sports festival winner. After seeing Bakugo's performance at the festival, you secretly wanted a chance to fight him, since your vines would be explosion-proof. You wanted to see the look on his face when he realized you would beat him. But first, Izuku. You think you've given him enough of a head start, so you start running, using your vines to propel yourself into the air everynow and again, kind of like a trampoline, but much more gracefully. Your cape billows up behind you as you fly up and then drop. Then, you spot a familiar back.

"I've got you now..." Izuku suddenly stops in a clearing to turn to face you. You fall and land on the ground lightly, your cape like wings of a giant bat. You pull off the hood and run toward Izuku, grabbing both of his wrists and shoving him to the ground so you straddle him. He makes a small moaning noise.

"Did you just fucking moan?" You ask incredulously. He blushes.

"I don't believe it! You're a masochist, aren't you?"

"I don't know, maybe?" He says. "Anyway, you're too late. Everyone knows you're after Kacchan now."

"Maybe they are..." You lean closer to Izuku, "...but I'm not." Then you hop off of him and land a few paces away.

"Your arms are messed up. You look like you were hit by a train. Try and fight me. See what happens." You laugh.

"So what, are we just going to pretend two nights ago didn't happen?" He asks you. You scowl.

"You caught me at a bad time, is all." You cross your arms and vines shoot toward him. He dodges.

"Well, weren't you at UA? If you wanted to be a hero, what happened to that dream?" He switches tactics.

"At some point, everyone wants to be a hero." You say, "But dreams are just dreams."

Izuku's eyes widen and he freezes. "S-say that again?" He stammers.

"Dreams are just dreams?"

"No, before that." Something has defineately spooked him.

"Everyone wants to be a hero?" You say quzzically. "Whatever. This is stupid. You lose." You run toward Izuku, arms outstretched. Then he yells the last words you'd ever expect from his mouth.

"Y/n L/n!"

{Midoriya's POV}

Irakusa stops in her tracks. I can see the confusion on her face. 

"What... did you call me?" She says in a strangled voice.

"Y/n L/n. It's your name, isn't it?"

Irakusa blinks in shock. Then she gives the tiniest nod.

"I knew it! You were her! And she was you!"

"I don't... what?" Irakusa is completely stunned and has completely forgotten about our fight.

"At my old elementary school, there was this old house with a thick hedge around it next door. One day after school, I heard a little girl crying near the hedge. I couldn't see her, but I could hear her. So I walked over to the hedge.

'What's wrong?' I asked her.

'My mommy doesn't love me anymore.' She sobbed. 'She said I'd never be a good hero.'

And then I said, 'Well, I'm sure you'll be a good hero. What's your name?'

'Y/n L/n.' That's what she said. And everyday after school I'd come to the hedge and talk to her. We both loved pro-heroes. She was home-schooled, and never left her house. I had no siblings. She had one, a half-sister. When I asked to meet her half-sister, she said no. She said she wasn't allowed to see her half-sister that often, and besides, her sister didn't like talking that much.

I was so convinced that little girl was my soulmate. But then one day, the first day of middle school, I came to talk to her. But she was gone. Her family had moved. And I'd never see her again.

But here you are. Here we are. Years ago, we were friends. And now we're enemies. Once a stressed boy and an emotional girl. Now a hero-in-training and a powerful villain. Dammit, Y/n. You think it's so hard, but you can still be a hero. You can still see the light. I know there's good in you somewhere. I've seen it. Now please, stop the fighting and be happy for once."

Y/n is looking like she is about to faint. She wipes her face, wipes away the tears, smearing some of her dark makeup. But she still looks good.

"Leave." She says.

"What?" I ask.

"Go! Run! Hurry! If you don't run, they'll take Bakugo! You can't let that happen!" 

I grin at Y/n. "Only if you come with." I hold out my hand.

Y/n rolls her eyes. "It looks like Irakusa's about to be ruined." She grabs my hand roughly and begins to run into the forest.

She's still a villain, at least a little. We all are. But I can see the change in Y/n already.

She's a hero.

And because of that, I feel wildly, ridiculously happy.

(Thank you for reading the tenth part of "Entangled"! I'll wager we're about halfway through the story, if that. I'm a student with a lot of schoolwork most days, so there may be long periods of time in between uploads. If this happens, I'm sorry. If it exists, please click the button to move onto the next part. If it doesn't, it will soon! Leave a heart and a comment if you'd like me to continue!)

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now