5- Is, is Irakusa protecting us?

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{Midoriya's POV}

Immeadiately I ducked, because, well, who wouldn't duck if a semi-truck came flying though the air towards them. I couldn't activate my quirk fast enough to deflect it, but then a thick wall of vines broke through the cement in front of me, blockling the truck. I heard a loud crash and a flash of light, but suprisingly the vines held up. I turned my head and saw Irakusa standing there, arms outstretched. She yelled something at me but I couldn't hear her over the sound of what ever was happening over the wall of vines. Suddenly the wall collapsed, the vines falling to the ground andslithering toward Todoroki and I. They reared up, surrounding us in a dome-shape, trapping us in complete darkness. 

"Woah! What's happening?" I say. The vines mute any sound from the outside. 

"Is, is Irakusa protecting us?" Todoroki coughs weakly. 

"Seems like it... oh, hey, are you alright?" I kneel down next to Todoroki, who's lying on the floor.

"I don't know what's happening... the world is spinning... my head aches... I feel too weak to move..." He says.

"Maybe Irakusa..." I trail off, not wanting to finish my thought.

"Midoriya, what are you going to do about... all this? Your scar... your soulmate... and you know she's a villian, right?" 

"I don't think she's fully a villian." I remark. "I looked her up online. Apparently she has helped out some lesser known pro heroes from time to time."

"She only helps those who can help her in return."

"Not true. Look what she's doing right know." I gesture around at the dome of vines we are trapped in. "She's helping us from... whatever's happening outside. I wonder if she need any help?"

As if on cue, a few vines part in the side of the dome. Irakusa comes flying inside of the dome and hits the ground roughly. She jumps to her feet as the hole seals itself, trapping us in semi-darkness again.

"Some dumbass pro-heroes brought their fight with the villains to this spot in the city, because apparently no body lives around here! Like, what the hell?" She started ranting. Irakusa began waving her hands frantically. 

"You two, stand against the left wall." She says. I drag Todoroki over the the wall and we lean against it. Suddenly the entire dome begins moving, slowly pushing us across the street.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid! If we get caught, this is your fault, Izuku Midoriya!" I hear her yell. 

"Okay, I know, but something is wrong with Todoroki!" I say.

"No, be quiet." Irakusa says, "We'll be somewhere safe soon." 

After a few more painfully slow minutes, the dome stops moving. The vines slowly retract into the cement, and the sudden brightness makes my eyes water. We're in a dark alleyway, smaller than the one Irakusa's house is in. I can hear people chattering loudly and excitedly outside the alleyway.

"No one saw us. I can make the vines and anything they cover invisible to other people. Anyway, we're outside the apartments you live in, Midoriya."

"Uh, how do you know where I live?" I say, turning to face Irakusa. "Ah!" I jump back. Irakusa's face is spotted with multiple flowers of various colors and sizes. The biggest ones and the majority of them are red, with a few smaller green ones, and one tiny one growing near the corner of her eye that is a light blue.

"Because I was hired to capture you a few weeks back, and I always do my research. If you are wondering about the flowers, they indicate my current mood. There is always one on my head somewhere. The more I use my quirk, the more bloom. And you see the big, red ones? They mean I'm pissed!" Irakusa's voice raises to a yell. She takes a deep breath. "Anyway..."

She walks over and kneels next to Todoroki, who's still on the floor.

"What happened to him? Did you do it?" I ask.

"Not on purpose. Sometimes my vines sap away at the energy of other people. I have no clue why. If I don't stop using my quirk on them fast enough, they could die. But most of the time they become fragile and weak." She say.

"Can you restore it?" My voice cracks.

"Yeah, but why?" 

"Why?! Because I'd rather Todoroki survives, thank you very much!"

Irakusa rolls her eyes. "I'm teasing, dumbass." She boops my nose. I reel back, confused at the uncharacteristic action. She rolls her eyes again and lays her hands on the sides on Todoroki's face. 

"Um, this'll be a little weird, just saying. The way I restore people's energy, um, it's, well..." Irakusa leans down and kisses Todoroki on the forehead, and then on both cheeks. I raise my eyebrows. She wipes her mouth. Todoroki scrambles to his feet and wipes his face.

"What the hell?!"

"Hey, it was the only way to stop you from dying!" Irakusa raise her hands in defeat. "It's nasty, but you would've died in a few minutes otherwise!"

"What?" I squawk.

"Yeah, he would've." Irakusa pulls up her hoodie as she stands up. "Hey, Midoriya. A word of advice. Stay away from me. Look at all the trouble it's causing us both."

"I know." I sigh.

"At least, I wish we could stay away from each other. See you tommorrow, dumbass." Irakusa runs out of the alleyway and out of sight. Todoroki turns to me quizzically.

"Did she say to see you tommorrow?"

"I don't know why! Stop looking at me like that! She hates me! We aren't planning anything secret!"

"... but maybe she is..."

(Thank you for reading the fifth part of "Entangled"! I know this was a short one, and sorry! Also, I know I'm late, but happy late national coming out day from me, a chaotic pansexual! I'm a student with a lot of schoolwork most days, so there may be long periods of time in between uploads. If this happens, I'm sorry. If it exists, please click the button to move onto the next part. If it doesn't, it will soon! Leave a heart and a comment if you'd like me to continue!)

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now