6- Are you my...?

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A/N: I've been trying to keep the story accurate to the show, but this next part is going to have nothing to do with the show and just something I added into here. Also, so I know I write in Midoryia's POV a lot and I'm sorry! But I'm better at writing his character then any others. That being said:

{Midoriya's POV}

This morning when I woke up for class, I had no idea that today would be possibly the worst day of my life.

When I got the school, everything seemed normal. Todoroki was quiet and wasn't talking to anyone, but that was normal. I would've gone over to talk to him and ask him about yesterday, but he made it clear that he didn't want to talk to anyone.

Aizawa-sensei walks into class. Everyone rushes to their seats before we could get into trouble. 

"Okay. Before class begins, I have an announcement to make. Tonight is a gala, a gathering of sorts for all pro-heroes who can attend. Because of the performance of our class as a whole was suprisingly good, we've all been invited to make a special apperance there. Be sure to wear a formal outfit, and come to school at five tonight so we can all be transported there. And please, do not embarrass the school in front of all the pro-heroes."

{After school because I'm lazy as hell}

I examined myself in the mirror. I never really was one to dress in formal wear, but tonight I could make an exception. 

"Izuku, my baby, are you ready to go?" I hear my mom call from down the hallway.

"Oh, uh, yeah!" I call.

{Once again, a time skip because I want to get to the good stuff}

The gala was huge. At school, everyone was laughing and talking confidently. Mineta was being a perv because of all the girls in fancy dresses, obviously, but after one too many comments about Uraraka, he got slapped over the head by Iida.

But here at the gala, everyone was meekly standing against the walls or in little clusters, intimidated by the bold pro-heroes. I scan the room, looking for anyone I could recongize that wasn't a pro-hero or a classmate. And then I froze.

"Hey Deku, what're you staring at?" Uraraka skipped over to me. She followed my gaze. 

"A girl? Who's she?"

Her face partially hidden by a deep blue masquerade mask. Her dress strapless and a rich sparkling blue, the color of the evening sky. Silver accents on her dress and neck and a silver clip shaped like the moon in her hair. Shining e/c eyes from within the mask staring directly into my face. 

I don't know why she's here. I don't wonder why. I can hardly think or breathe. My face feels warm. 

Irakusa is standing in the corner of the gala, watching me intrestedly. And she is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.

{Your POV}

Well, of course Izuku Midoriya is here. Interestingly enough, he doesn't look exactly awful, in a dark red and cream suit. You see a girl with short brown hair in a pink dress standing next to him. For some reason, the sight of the girl ticks you off. You feel a flower start to grow on the left corner of your mouth. You yank it out quickly before anyone notices. Not that anyone would, since most pro-heroes find you beneath them. But Izuku and that round-face bitch are both staring you down. You look at the flower in my hand. A tiny bloom, in a peculiar shade of yellow-green. You drop it and crush it under the black high-heels you are wearing. That color means jealousy. But why the fuck would you be jealous? Were you jealous of that girl? The one standing awfully close to Midoriya? No! Of course not! You tear your gaze away from them and see someone else staring at you. A very angry-looking person. But you understand why that candian-flagged bastard is staring you down. I mean, you sort of drained some of his life-source yesterday. Ohhhh, fuck. He's walking over here. You really can't have anyone talking to you right now. But then the lights shut off. Oh, thank god. It's time. The emergency lighting flickers on and you make eye-contact with Izuku Midoriya. Everyone is shocked and scared, but you look at him and smirk. His eyes widen.

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now