8- Just Old Memories

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(A/n- So there's gonna be some backstory coming up, I dunno if this chapter or in one of the next ones, but anyway, it stars a certain member of class 1-B. I haven't read the manga so I don't know if it explains her backstory, but if it does, I'm about to fuck it up.)

"Hello? Baby girl?"

You choke on the black smoke filling the room. You can barely see, and the smoke gives off a rancid scent.


The masculine voice echoes through the room. Then you hear a child's laughter. 

"Hello?" You call, your voice raspy from the smoke. A small girl suddenly darts out of the smoke at high speed and skids to a stop in front of you. You attempt to study her, but her face is a blurred mess. All you can see is that the girl is wearing a lilac nightgown and has long green hair.

"Oh, my baby!" The man says. He steps out of the smoke. Like the girl, his face is smudged, but you see his hair is h/c. He rushes toward you and the girl, but then black vines reach out of the smoke and wrap out his neck and wrists, yanking his neck back grotesquely. The little girl screams as the man's limp body is dragged into the darkness. Then the vines enroach torward the girl.

"Stop!" You yell as you jump in front of her, but she's yanked to the ground. You grab her small wrist, but it slips through your hand, and her face, smudged like a photo in the newspaper after it gets water on it, disappears in the smoke. You begin to panic as the smoke and darkness begins to close in. Then the black vines come for you. You're forced into a kneeling positon with your head bent backward, forcing you to look straight up.

"Wait, stop, please, no!" You scream, tears dampening your face. A dark, familiar silhouette approaches you from behind. You feel rough hands gripping the side of your neck.

"No, not again!" You scream.

You sit up with a start. Wait, where the fuck... what the fuck just happened? You're lying on a small air mattress on the floor of a room plastered with pictures of All Might. You look to your left to see a bed with a green-haired boy sleeping on it. Oh, right. You're at Izuku Midoriya's house. It was just a dream. Just a...

You begin to cry, hugging the blanket to your chest. You could remember everything. The man was your mother. The girl was your half-sister. And the silhouette was your mother.

Old memories you had been trying to supress for years come back in a rush. You start sobbing even louder.

"Irakusa?" You hear Izuku shift on the bed. "Oh.. oh my god!" He jumps off of the bed and wraps his arms around you.

"Hey, hey. It's alright." 

You find yourself comforted by his words. You hurriedly wipe off your face.

"I'm sorry. Just... just a bad dream..."

"Why're you apologizing? It's not like you can control your dreams..." He says. You lie back down. He stays next to you, lying behind you with his arms around your stomach.

"Erm, what're you doing?" You question.

"Trying to sleep." He mumbles into your neck.

"R-right here?" You stutter.

"Yeah. I don't want you to have another nightmare or something."

That's really sweet, you think. You try your best to find a comfortable position and try to fall asleep in Izuku's arms.

But sleep doesn't come the easily.

{Midoriya's POV}

I slowly open my eyes. I blink blearily for a few seconds, confused by the weight on my arms, before realizing- oh shit! Irakusa's asleep in my arms? I try not to blush as I look at her sleeping face. It's strange to see her like this, not angry or tough, but looking so small and innocent. She looks so relaxed, so happy, so pretty. I reach over and brush a strand of hair out of her face so I can see her better. She grabs my wrist so suddenly I jerk back in suprise.

"The hell you think you're doing?" She hisses.

"Um, sorry?" I offer sheepishly, unable to come up with a good excuse. She rolls her eyes and sits up.

"Good morning." I say.

"Good morning." She replies.

"Um, sleep well?" I ask.

"I dunno, dipshit, do you think I slept well?" She snaps.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." I remember. "Do, do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really." Irakusa said. "I just... some old memories."

"Your family?"

Irakusa smiles weakly. "My little sister."

"You have a younger sister?" I ask.

"Yeah. Well, kind of. Half-sister, more like. She goes to UA, in the hero course."

"Wait, really?"

"Not your class, though." She adds hastily. "Class 1-B."

"What's her name?" I ask. She starts to answer but is cut off by my mother walking in. I hop back up onto my bed hurriedly, so she doesn't notice the fact that we were in the same bed. She pointedly looks in the other direction.

"Good morning Izuku... and, um, Ira!" My mom says.

"Did you just call her Ira?" I ask. To my surprise, Irakusa giggles quietly.

"I don't mind you calling me that." She says to my mom.

"Oh, okay then. Well, there's breakfast in the kitchen when you two want it. Izuku, you need to be ready to get to your school for the bus to the Training Camp in two hours."

Irakusa stands up. "As much as I appreciate the offer, I really have to get going. No use in endangering you any longer with my presence."

"That's considerate." I say, eyebrows raised.

"Shut up." Irakusa rolls her eyes. 

"Ok then. It's mildly cold outside though, would you like a jacket or something?" My mom offers.

"No, I be all-"

"Take this!" I throw a hoodie at her. It hits her in the face and falls to the ground.

"OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY DON'T KILL ME!" I say, turning bright red. Irakusa bursts out laughing, the loudest and happiest I've ever seen her. She picks up the hoodie and puts it on. I get a strange feeling in my stomach, seeing her in it.

"Thanks for the hoodie, and thank you so much for letting me stay over." Irakusa says. She turns and walks out of my room. A few minutes later, we hear the front door close. My mom whips around to face me.

"Just friends, huh?"


(Thank you for reading the eighth part of "Entangled"! Just for angst, I might add a little bit of... deadly disease to one of our beloved characters. I'm a student with a lot of schoolwork most days, so there may be long periods of time in between uploads. If this happens, I'm sorry. If it exists, please click the button to move onto the next part. If it doesn't, it will soon! Leave a heart and a comment if you'd like me to continue!)

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now