11- Not like this

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{Your POV}

This is so dumb. You're not a fucking hero, not a fucking hero. You look over your shoulder at Izuku. God, why the fuck does he look so fucking happy? It's not as if you're a hero or anything now. 

Fucking, fucking, fuck, fuck.

Suddenly you slow to a stop and drop Izuku's hand. "They're right there, past those trees up ahead." You hiss. "I'll cover for you. You find your friends and Katsuki and keep them away from here."

"And you stay with the League?" Izuku asks you.

"Well, yeah. Just because I'm helping you doesn't make me fully good." You say. Izuku bites his lips, disappointed. 

"We've linged too long. Go!" You say, before scrambling up a tree. You look down. Izuku retreats in the opposite direction.

"Oh thank god." You say. Izuku can keep his friends safe, and himself. Then you hear a faint crackling. The entire tree bursts into flames right as you launch yourself into the air and lands on the other side of the clearing. Dabi, Toga, and Twice are all there, watching the tree aflame.

"You think I got them?" Dabi says.

"You tryna kill me, motherfucker?" You say from right behind him. To your satisfaction, the three of them jump out of their skin.

"Jesus! I didn't know it was you, ass!" Dabi says.

"Well, you should be more careful, ass!" You say. Dabi rolls his eyes.

"Why are you here?" He asks. "Shouldn't you be looking for Bakugo?"

"I came to warn you that Muscular is incapacitated. Defeated. Out of the game." You cross your arms. Dabi narrows his eyes.

"But he's the strongest out of all of us! How?" Toga asks, worried.

"A UA brat. Izuku Midoriya. I saw the aftermath of the fight. Muscular is definitely not waking up for a while."

"Isn't he your soulmate?" Twice points out. You close your eyes and exhale heavily, trying to look irritated but secretly mad that they knew that.

"Yes. He is. But that doesn't mean anything. Didn't one of you kill your soulmate?" You say, attempting to be nonchalant.

"No, that was Shigaraki." Toga says. "Are you trying to say you'll kill him?"

"No. I was pointing out that being someone's soulmate does not make you automatically in love with them. Are you worried?" You say. Toga blushes a little.

"No, not at all!" Toga says, arms waving frantically. You suddenly feel very angry... protective, almost.

"Well, anyway, he ran that way." You point in the opposite direction that Izuku went.

"You didn't catch him?" Dabi asks incredulously.

"No. I was looking for Katsuki Bakugo, not some green-haired wimp."

"A green-haired wimp who took down the strongest hero in our group!" Twice says.

"Whatever. It's not if he's-"

At this exact moment, Mr. Compress came crashing to the ground right in front of you. On his back was Shoto Todoroki, a student you knew as something-something Shoji, and Izuku Midoriya.

"Oh shit!" You yell, jumping backwards and landing on a tree branch behind you.

"Compress, out of the way!" Dabi yells. You see Compress turn blue and then vanishes as a wave of blue fire engulfs the students. You freeze, but then see that they're alright.

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now