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Quirks. Quirks have taken over the world. Most people have superpowers that they use to save lives and help others. Those without quirks are shunned and made fun of. Thank god you are in the vast majority.

In order to know if one will develop a quirk, one must simply look at the pinky toe. If it is double-jointed, then they will have a quirk. But there is an easier way to tell if one will have a quirk or not.

Everyone born with a quirk is also born with a scar somewhere on their body. That shows where your soulmate will first use their quirk on you. For example, if the first time your soulmate will use their quirk on you is, say, dowsing your arm in water, then everywhere that water touches at first is part of your scar. Most people are blessed to have their scars in discreet, unseen locations.

Not one little girl, though. She has a beautiful face, although it would be prettier with out the scar. It looks like a large, purple bruise spreading across your left cheek. Many people speculated what it could mean. The girl came up with a simple answer: her soulmate would punch her in the face. 

That little girl was hopeful in a new world. She wanted more than anything to be a hero with her powerful quirk. But things don't always turn out the way people expect.

That little girl grew up to be you. And this is the story of how you found your soulmate.

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now