2- Soul Scars

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The Next Day

{Midoriya's POV}

"Hey, Deku, are you alright over there?" A voice snaps me out of my reverie. Uraraka walks over and jumps onto my desk. There's a scar of a badly-drawn smiley face on the back of her right hand. She's awfully embarrassed to talk about it, and as such hates any talk about scars, though she's alright with talking about soulmates. And that's good, because of today's subject in class.

"Alright, everyone settle down. Today we're going to be talking a little about Soulmate Scars. First off, do we have anyone who'd like to share their scar, or at least tell us about it?" Mr. Aizawa asks. Predictably, not very many people do.

Yaoyorozu has a pair of headphones on her right shoulder. Iida has a wrench across his chest, though he doesn't show it off. Kaminari has an eye on his left temple. I decide to go next.

"I have the scar of a leaf on my right ankle." I say. "See? What the-?!" I pull down my sock to display my scar, but... it's gone!

{Your POV}

You blearily blink and open your eyes. You have no idea what time it could be, but you suppose it could be some time in the afternoon. You sit up and climb off of the grimy mattress on the floor that you sleep on. Based on the clock across the wall from you, it could be either four in the morning or in the afternoon. Most likely the afternoon. Using your quirk too much always made you sleepier than usual. You stretch and throw the hoodie you were wearing last night back on. Maybe an afternoon walk would help you feel more awake. You grab your keys up from where you dropped them last night and unlock your door, climbing up the stairs. Your house was a small, two-room basement underneath a scrappy apartment building, with the stairs to your door placed in a dark alley to the side of the building. It would be hard to find your house if you didn't know where it was. You pull of your hood and begin walking down the empty streets. The part of city you live in is not the type of place many people like to hang out; a shady, rundown area with cheap apartments and dusty stores.

 As you walk, you think a little about the boys you met last night. Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki, two boys with incredible power. Though, not as incredible as they seemed, you think with a smile. You defeated them quite easily last night. But something about Midoriya bugs you, a faint feeling of déjà vu. You swear you've heard his voice somewhere before. And not from TV or anything like that. You shrug it off. Maybe one of your clients sounded like him. You'd had so many in the past few months. In fact, in a few weeks you were supposed to be going on a big job, helping a full scale attack. You hadn't met the other members of your team helping with the attack, but you knew that one of your old friends would be a part of the attack, one of your old classmates.

It was nearly two years since the day you had been accepted to UA. And it was a little over a year since the day your entire class had gotten themselves expelled. You had been so excited to finally join UA, so to be expelled before even finishing your first year had crushed you. No wonder some of your classmates had turned to villainy. And you? Well, it wasn't your fault the majority of the people who hired you were villains. As long as they'd pay you well, you'd do anything pertaining to your quirk. The only villainous stuff you did of your own free will was when old men approached you, attempting to hire you for... other actions. But you had no intention of becoming a slut just for money, so you had shown them why people would hire you so much. AKA: you would kick their asses.  Most of them were hospitalized, but a few didn't survive your attacks. Oh well. The police had never traced them back to you, so you were fine.

You look up suddenly at the sound of approaching footsteps. You've somehow walked to the front gate of UA. Maybe thinking about it had caused you to walk there? But it was after classes had ended, so the students should all have been home by now. Two students had stayed late, apparently, and they now were walking towards you.

"Ah, fuck." You mutter. But it's too late. They saw you.

{Midoriya's POV}

"But I don't understand, Todoroki!" I say upsetly. "How could that girl be my soulmate?"

After accidentally revealing the fact that my scar was gone to the entire class 1-A, it had become pandemonium. People asking me who my soulmate was and how they used their quirk. I said that I had no idea who had removed my scar. And I hadn't. But then Todoroki had held me back after class.

"That girl." He had said. "From last night. It's her, isn't it?"

"You mean the one with the vines? Isa... Irakusa?" I said nervously.

"Yes. Her." Todoroki had started heading out of the classroom. I ran after him. 

"It can't be her! I don't want my soulmate to be a... a villain!" I said.

"Are you sure she was a villain?" Todoroki asked.

"Am I sure she was a... a... of course I'm sure she was a villain!" I sputtered as we exited the building. "I mean, who else attacks unarmed teenagers late at night and tries to capture them for money- ah, Todoroki?" He had stopped walking and and staring straight ahead. I look at where he is staring. There's a hooded figure staring right at us.

"Is... is that...?" I whisper to Todoroki.

"I think that's her." He hisses back. The figure just stares at us. I take a step forward. They take a step back.

"Irakusa?" I ask. The figure remains silent and takes another step backward. As they do that, a ray of sunlight illuminates their face. They blink, blinded, and dodge away. But not before I see that large purple scar blossoming across their cheek.

"Hey! Come back!" I call, and begin running after her. She sprints away into the shadows. I slow down to a stop. Somehow, she's already disappeared.

Is that girl really my soulmate? Is she really a villain?

(Thank you for reading the second part of "Entangled"! I'm sorryy for taking so long on this update. I'm a student with a lot of schoolwork most days, so there may be long periods of time in between uploads. If this happens, I'm sorry. If it exists, please click the button to move onto the next part. If it doesn't, it will soon! Leave a heart and a comment if you'd like me to continue!)

Entangled (BNHA Fanfiction) (Izuku Midoriya x fem!Reader) [DISCONTIUED]Where stories live. Discover now