Chapt 12 - Fierce Corpse 3

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When they reached Qing estate, the owner came running towards them, again shouting for help. "The fierce corpse was knocking on my door the whole night! You have to help me! It has already almost broken through!"

Wei Ying pretended to look around the door and nodded his head, saying "I see, I see."

The owner panicked and asked "Young master, what do you see?"

WWX: "No worries, this fierce corpse don't mean much harm. We both will stay tonight and help you to settle it."

The owner then nodded his head furiously "Thank you, two young masters!"


Night came. Wei Ying squated while Lan Zhan stood upright, waiting for the fierce corpse outside the open bedroom door. Wei Ying got bored waiting so he grabbed a stick and started poking Lan Zhan's leg. "Hey, aren't you going to tell me your name yet?"

Lan Zhan was hesitating on whther to reply or not. Just as he was about to open his mouth, the owner shouted "Can I just leave this matter to you two and close the doors?"

Wei Ying looked at the owner who was trembling at the furthest corner of the room. "No no, it will be interesting. You must watch. There's two of us. You won't be harmed."

As he said this, they heard the growl of the fierce corpse. It came. Lan Zhan was fighting the fierce corpse while Wei Ying stood in front of the door. Wei Ying noticed something and said "Hey, move aside, my turn!"

Lan Zhan thought Wei Ying wanted a go at the fierce corpse so he moved aside but who knew when the fierce corpse lunged towards Wei Ying, Wei Ying didn't defend and was thrown backwards, to the foot of the bed.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan called out.

Wei Ying was surprised. This was the first time Lan Zhan called out his name. He grinned and thought 'Wow! That's worth it!' He liked the way Lan Zhan called his name.

The fierce corpse walked towards the owner who was shivering in fear. The owner shouted "Help me!"

Lan Zhan rushed to Wei Ying's side. "Are you alright?"

Wei Ying's eyes widened at this man's concern. 'Wow, he is showing concern for me' and a mischevious thought formed in his head. "Ow... I... didn't expect the fierce corpse to really hit me..."

Lan Zhan supported him up and Wei Ying leaned on him in order to stand up. Meanwhile, the fierce corpse grabbed the owner's neck. "Help me!" The owner shouted while struggling to break free.

The fierce corpse lifted his right hand which looked as if it was holding something, which Wei Ying noticed earlier. The owner was terrified and froze, staring at the hand coming towards him.

The fierce corpse suddenly stopped and slowly opened his hand. There was a white jade glowing admist the dirt. It was his grandmother's jade bracelet. The fierce corpse tried hanging the jade bracelet over the owner's head. He was stiff and awkward and only managed to do so after a few tries.

The owner was confused when the fierce corpse suddenly punched his stomach. "Ahhh!" The owner screamed as he dropped to the ground. He then watch the fierce corpse turn around and hop out of Qing estate. Wei Ying tried his best to surpress his laughter.

After making sure the owner simply fainted, Lan Zhan placed Wei Ying's hand over his shoulders and acted as his walking crutch, supporting him while slowly walking back to the inn.


It was after midnight and the streets were quiet. "Hey... wasn't that fierce corpse... ow... very reasonable? I've never seen such a reasonable... ow... fierce corpse before." Wei Ying winced in pain in between to convince Lan Zhan he was injured quite badly.

"Don't talk" Lan Zhan replied.

"But it was quite touching wasn't it? Ow... He actually spent two years looking for the jade pendant. If... ow... if he held a grude, he wouldn't let the owner off with only a punch." Wei Ying continued.

Lan Zhan watched him in pain and asked "Why didn't you defend?"

Wei Ying grinned and teased "So that you can support me!" Seeing Lan Zhan speechless, he grinned. He didn't know how to tell him now that the fierce corpse didn't actually hit him.

Wei Ying jumped back before the fierce corpse hit him so the owner won't blame him for letting the fierce corpse in. Who knew that from Lan Zhan's angle, the fierce corpse did hit Wei Ying... And seeing Lan Zhan's reaction, Wei Ying wanted to tease him more so he didn't say anything...

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