Chapter 1

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Hi kitties. This is my new story and I hope you guys will like this.


My mind was all blank and I was unable to move myself at all. The time around me was stopped, I was unable to feel any motion around. My heart stopped as if it refused to beat any further. It was like I would die any minute if it didn't beat again.

"Vidhi." I heard a faint yet confusing voice, but I was too shocked to respond to the voice.

"Vidhi, daughter" I again heard but again no response went back as I don't think that I was in any good position to reply to them.

"Vidhi, honey." This time the voice was quite loud which was able to bring my senses back. I was no longer a statue, everything again got alive. My heart has again started to beat again. For a while I was confused about myself and my surroundings but when I looked at the person who had called me, I recalled everything.

"What happened honey?" My mother asked me and I shook my head with a smile.

"Nothing Mamma. What will happen? It is nothing." I asked her and smiled.

"Then why were you not responding to me? I have been calling you for a good last few minutes." I realized that I was way too shocked for more than a minute, but I think what I had received was really a great shock for me, as I didn't expect that I would be receiving such a thing so soon.

"About that, mamma, I was reading this wedding card. My friends are getting married and I was so happy for them, maybe that's why I didn't hear from you." I said and smiled. Though dissatisfaction was written on her face, she didn't ask me any questions and took the wedding card from my hand to read it.

My pain should not be shown in front of my mother, because after my papa (dad) left us she had taken care of me and worked hard for both of us. My pain is nothing compared to what she had gone through. I hugged her. I felt her patting my back lightly.

"So Mamma, may I attend this wedding?" I asked her and she smiled. So sweet like honey. I always melt over this smile. Many of the people say that I have got my smile from my Mamma. I don't want to ask her about this. Cause I know I won't be able to see that from my very own eyes.

I was waiting for her to respond with a little wish that she would just say that there is no need to go.

"Is this also a thing to ask? This is your friends' wedding. You can go to this wedding. I have no objections. When will you come back?" She asked. I sighed inside and took a look at the card and did some calculations in my mind.

"If I have to attend every function then it will take about 2 weeks and 3 days." I told her finally and she nodded. "And if I just attend the wedding then I think I can go in 2 weeks."

"That is quite a long time and why will you go in two weeks? Attend her wedding and all the rituals. She would be happy as well, if you would be attending her wedding with all the rituals. All you do is work anyway and you rarely get time to go outside. This is a nice time for you to give yourself a break from work. I will miss you dear." She said and I smiled. Though it is nice that she had agreed, will I be able to stay there for such a long time?

"What do you mean by miss? What will you do alone? Come with me to the wedding. You know both of them anyway, they would be happy too if you would join them." I told her, though it was the words in the air but I hoped that she would agree to go with me.

"No, I have some work over here and this is your friend's wedding. What will I do over there?" She asked and started to go away while I shook my head and followed her.

"Just be by my side all along." I said and hugged her tight. It was from back. Mamma always loves this. My height is just like my father. Tall. Just perfect. I am just a few inches above my mother. But I don't mind when I have a very great mom. She always says that she always finds herself and papa in me. I just always smile at it.

"Baby, I am always there for you, in your ups and downs, happiness and sadness. After all, you are the only person whom I can call my family." She said with a hint of pain in her voice which clearly reflected in her eyes.

My lips were sealed at her last statement. Her last statement is true. My mother and father got married after running away from their house because they both were madly in love and can't live without each other, which sounds like some plotline of a novel but it is true and this relationship isn't accepted by their parents and on the fine day they both run away, and got married in the temple. Then I was born to them and they both were very happy. I had spent my life with my father till I was 10 years old. After that papa met with an accident and he passed away. My grandparents from both sides refused to take mamma under their shelter.

She also told me that when she saw my father's dead body she was way too shocked and couldn't handle the pain when he had left her which had put her into depression and in that she almost left me but when she started to realize that I also exist and what she had promised him. She started to recover with everything she had. She promised him that if anything would happen to him, then she would continue to live till she can cause he will wait for her and will be reborn for her only. How romantic, isn't it? I always wanted a love like my mamma and papa. They both had gone through everything and seen what it brought? Of course me to this world. My mamma always says that I am the best thing that happened to them after their marriage. I just can't be more happy having her in my life. I wish Papa could still be alive, if he would be here then mamma would have only focused on us and the house and wouldn't be this much busy. But now that he is not around then I can at least make my mamma smile again just like she used to smile and focus on me, yet she remains busy even though I earn now.

When papa left I kind of broke down and mamma too got busy earning that's why she doesn't get much time to spend with me but now we both are earning and we now spend much more time than before.

"So mamma what is on the menu?" I asked her and she chuckled.

"Your favorite chhole bhature." She said and my mouth was already watering. I just can't wait to eat them. You should try my mother's handmade food. I bet you will fall in love with that food. That's why I never ever try to make the food and I also don't know how to make it.

"Yummy. Mamma let's go and have it. The mice in my stomach are excited to eat them." I said and she chuckled.

"Let's go hungry baby. Let's feed your mouse." She said and I chuckled.

"Mamma, you are just behaving like me." I joked and she chuckled. I just always want to be by her side. I want her smile to never fade away cause I know still she doesn't laugh with all of her heart. She still hasn't come over papa's death.

"Are you coming or not Vidhi?" She shouted from the kitchen.

"I am coming." I said and ran towards the kitchen and sat down hurriedly on the table. She served the food and I dug into it, more like I devoured the food. Whatever Mamma makes is my favorite but I like chhole bhature more.

"So Vidhi when are you leaving?" She asked and I looked at her.

"Where?" I asked before taking another bite.

"For your friend's wedding.?" I choked on the food and she hurriedly provided me with the water. I gulped the water down my throat while she was patting my back lightly.

" Are you okay?" She asked and I nodded.

"Mamma, I will leave next week." I said and she nodded. " Mamma, please attend the wedding with me." I requested her.

"I can't attend the wedding for the coming two weeks as there is some function that is going to be organized next week and I have to be there. But I promise after that I will attend the wedding. I guess I will be with you before the wedding. And you are already an adult, why are you behaving like a kid?" She said and pinched my cheek. I rubbed on that.

"I have to stay without you for two whole weeks." I fake cried and she chuckled.

"Such a drama queen. Finish your food." She said and I quickly finished my food and put the dish into the sink. I took the card and went to my room and closed it. I again looked at the card and a tear slipped from my eyes. Slowly it turned into a shower. I read those lines again.

You are invited to this wedding

The soon to be married couple is

Nikhil Chauhan son of Dev Chauhan weds with Bhoomi Garg daughter of Vikram Garg

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