chapter 9

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Hi kitties


Driving in the morning is not my hobby but see at the 5 of the morning here I am driving to the place where we can find some suspects. The place is called Vasant Kunj. We are going there as we found some illegal business going on inside a society. We reached there and my phone rang.

"Where are you?" Sonia asked as soon as I picked up the call.

"Come out for some work." I said.

"And where is Garv?" She asked.

"With me." I said.

"When are you going to come?" She asked.

"You ask so many questions. I will be there in an hour." I said and hung up and put it on silent. Then we started to investigate the place where the illegal business was going on.

"Garv, have you already informed the police?" I asked.

"Yes, I already have. They must be coming in a few minutes." He said and I nodded and we walked further. I held my gun steady and so did Garv. We silently went inside and found none of the people. It kind of amazed me. But we heard the shutter down and we looked behind.

"You have come here with your decision but from here your dead body will go." One of them said and we both looked at each other and they started to shoot. I really didn't want to waste my time. I quickly started to shoot. They were almost twelve in numbers. Two were down and slowly my bullets were finished. I take the gun and hit it on one of the people's heads.

Ouch!!! It must hurt him. Many were down by the time and police also arrived. I found Kerosene and poured it over the whole basement and set it on fire. Because I know to whom this illegal work belongs. I smiled on my own.

"Great work Garv" I said and we both did a high five. We reached the police station and we talked about something.

"Please interrogate those who are able to speak. I want every bit of information from them." I said and they nodded.

"We will try our best." One of them said and I nodded. I looked at my watch and found it was almost 7. I opened up my phone and found so many messages and missed calls. I sighed.

"We should leave now. We are getting late." I said and they nodded. This time the jeep was driven by Garv and I didn't object to it. The function will start in 2 hours. And I have to change my dress as well. And I had promised Bhoomi that I will make her ready for the ceremony. I don't know how she came to know that I do great makeup. I shook that thought and we reached the house. I go straight to my room.

"Where were you?" Sonia asked.

"On a mission." I said and she pouted.

"What?" I asked.

"Without me." She said,

"Yes. You were sleeping like a hippo and I don't want to disturb you like three months ago. You sleep more than doing work." I said and she again pouted.

"Don't make this face. You don't look cute at all." I said and she let the pout go away. The door opened.

"Has Vidhi arrived?" Bhoomi asked.

"Yes she has. She is here only." Sonia shouted and Bhoomi entered inside with two boxes. I looked at her. She is a real beauty and she doesn't have to do much hard work to look beautiful.

"You go get ready then we can get you ready." I told Bhoomi and she nodded and went into our washroom. After a few minutes she came out in her yellow lehenga. She was looking so beautiful.

Like she had just descended from heaven.

"You are looking so beautiful." I said and she smiled.

"Now get me ready." She said and I nodded.

"Where are your jewelry?" I asked and she pointed the box on the bed and I took it out and made her wear the jewelry.

I did just a little touch up and she was ready for the ceremony.

"You are looking great, Bhoomi." I said and she smiled.

"Now Sonia you get ready." I said and she nodded. She soon changed her dress into a beautiful yellow frock suit.

"You are looking stunning Sonia." Bhoomi said and she squealed and hugged Bhoomi and I chuckled.

"Here is your jewelry." I said and she nodded. She took the box from me and wore the jewelry.

"Looking so great Sonia. Didn't know that you can look so beautiful in a traditional dress." I said and she smiled and hugged me. All I do is chuckle.

"Now it is your turn Vidhi to get ready." Bhoomi said and I nodded. I also changed into a yellow gown.

I don't generally wear heavy jewelry. So I wore a necklace and bracelet.

"I think this is okay with the dress." I said more like mumbled.

"Looking so great Vidhi." Bhoomi said and I smiled.

"I am not looking as gorgeous as you Bhoomi. And by the way I don't have the right to look more beautiful than the bride." I said and she chuckled.

"You are so sweet." She said and I smiled.

"Girls let's go. Ceremony is going to start." Bhoomi's mother shouted and entered the room and looked at us. She was also wearing a yellow saree looking so great.

"You all are looking so great." She said and kissed Bhoomi forehead and put a black spot behind her ear.

"Today you are looking so gorgeous." She was almost crying. Maybe these are called tears of happiness. I shook my head and went down. Preparation was super duper great. Everywhere yellow flowers were there. In the backyard the function is heading. I look at the boys. Means Nikhil and Garv. They both were in yellow kurta. Looking handsome. I wish Mom was here too. She would be so happy to see all these kinds of arrangements. She always told me that she is always very much interested in rituals. Because these small functions bring large happiness in the house.

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