Chapter 23

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Hi kitties


My head is spinning hard and it feels like I am having the weight over my head. I was trying to open my eyes but they were very hard to open. I tried once but I failed and once again tried but failed again and I had tried many times but I wasn't able to do that. I gave up and my mind started to flash with the memory.

In that dark function someone had done something which had made me feel dizzy and when I opened my eyes I was in the car which was moving somewhere but I couldn't see much as I was feeling very sleepy.

This thought instantly opened my eyes and when I opened my eyes I was hit by the light which was very bright for me. After adjusting my eyes I opened them and saw an unfamiliar room. I got up and saw that I was on the bed. I had tried to think who could bring me over here but I couldn't think about that person at all. I was searching for an escape but unfortunately there was none. I heard the opening of the door and I quickly sat on the bed and when the person came inside. It left me in shock.

"What are you doing over here?" I asked him and he just smirked. He came towards me and had an evil smirk over his face.

"Good morning Vidhi or I should say my future daughter in law. You have been sleeping for two days." He said and I was confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Hmm... That is so great to know that now you are going to be my son's wife but tomorrow." He said and I was shocked.

"How dare you? I won't be marrying your son." I said to him but he only smirked more.

"Don't you want to know your soon to be husband 's name?" He asked and I looked at him.

"Ashish Verma." It left me in a total shock. He is the son of this evil person. What the hell is going on in this world?

"I don't believe in you." I said and he just laughed.

"What a poor girl you are. After all, you are an IPS officer. I do believe that you won't believe without any proof." he said and smirked and clapped his end and then someone came inside who was caged by two body builders. He was none other than Ashish. His condition wasn't too good.

"Ashish!!!" I said and ran towards him. He was fainted right now. I looked over at the devil who was smirking in my way.

"you haven't done this right. If he is your son then how can you make his condition worse?" I asked him.

"Hmm.... When sometimes your kids don't listen to you then you have to take that step which you also don't like." He said and my anger boiled.

"This is not at all caring. You can't be his father. You are the devil. Listen Mr. By tomorrow your same son will be the one pointing a gun at you and handcuffing you so that you can be behind the bars." I said and he laughed.

"Little Vidhi, why worry? We will see what will happen tomorrow. But I would suggest that you should not see too much of the day's dream." He said and went little from there and left Ashish on the floor. I went towards Ashish and I know by now my eyes were flooded by the tears.

I now know why he never talked about his father? Why does he never take his name properly? Why did he never want to go home once? Because his father is nothing less than a devil.

I looked around and found water and went towards it and poured it over him and I could see that he was moving. I was happy that he was waking up.

"where am I?" He asked.

"Ashish." I said. He looked at me with his red eyes. He was shocked to find me over here.

"What are you doing over here? " He asked.

"Maybe your father can tell you this answer." I said and he looked away.

"Don't talk about him. He is nothing but a devil for me. I sometimes regret why I was born to him. He doesn't deserve to be alive on this earth." He said.

"Will you be specific why you hate your father so much? " I asked and he looked at me and looked away.

"You would hate me." He said.

"There is nothing to hate about you. I have known you for only six months but I think I know you enough which doesn't reflect your bad side which can make anyone hate you.

I know that you must be surrounded by the darkness which is created by your father as well as you. You are shutting yourself down just because you think that if you open up to them then the person will look at you from the other side but have you also ever tried to open up?

Maybe never because you think that they will judge you. But open up now because I am thinking that if you open up now then the heaviness which you are having inside your heart will become light." I said and I could see that he was on the edge of breaking down. I quickly engulfed him into a hug.

"Are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded and hugged me back and I smiled. I gave him water and he gulped him in one go.

"I won't judge my friend who is so smart to be defeated. I want to know your story so that I can understand you more." I said and he nodded and we settled on the bed and he was in great silence. I saw that he was having bruises all over his body which were looking fresh.

"My father is not just a devil but a killer too." He said and I was confused about what he said

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