Chapter 21

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Hi kitties


Today is my engagement ceremony and I don't like the feeling where I am playing with Bhoomi as well as Vidhi. Bhoomi is just a friend but Vidhi is my heart and I betrayed her. It's just that I need to make the plan soon to be with Vidhi once again.

I sighed. I was thinking about a plan to get away from this wedding but I always failed. There are only five days before I will be called a married man. I got up and went towards the living room where the ceremony was going to happen. I guess I should talk about this with my mother. Maybe she can give me some advice. I found my mother and went towards her.

"Ma, I want to talk to you." I said and she looked at me. And smiled at me.

"We will talk later. Firstly taste this." She said and put a ladoo in my mouth and I had to forcefully eat it. I sighed. I guess I won't be able to talk to her today. I came out and was trying to think of how to call off the marriage. I had already reached the living room. When I saw Vidhi talking to someone. I wasn't able to see the person's face. I take a round where I can see Vidhi back but the person's face. I got the view of the person who she had been talking to. My anger boiled at once. The person was Karan. Why is he talking to Vidhi?

I went towards them and Karan looked up and looked at me and just gave me a smile. He was my biggest enemy in school life. I don't know why my parents have to call him?

"Hey Karan." I said to him and he looked at me and smiled.

"Hey Nikhil. Congratulations, you are getting married." He said and extended his hand but unwillingly I shook his hand.

"What are you doing here? You haven't gone to meet your old friends?" I asked her.

"Oh! I was going to meet them only." He said. Liar. I thought in my mind. I looked over Vidhi and smiled and she smiled back.

"Vidhi, we can catch up next time we meet." He said and started to go away. I glared in his way. Next time you will meet her as Mrs. Chauhan.

"Vidhi, can you come with me for a few minutes?" I asked her and she nodded and I grabbed her hand and took her away from there..

"So why you called me?" She asked me and I smiled and looked around before bringing out my present for her. I take out and present in front of her.

"This pendant is beautiful." She said and I smiled. As always she is simple, loves simple thing and doesn't have higher expectations.

"This is for you." I said and she smiled at me. I checked her out and found she was looking beautiful in her blue dress.

"You are looking beautiful." I said and she blushed a little.

"Thanks." She said,

"May I?" I asked her about making her wear this pendant. She looked at me confused and I indicated to her about the pendant and she nodded. I smiled Though I wanted to make her wear the mangalsutra and one day it will be only mangalsutra and will claim her as mine. She turned around and I removed her hair from the back and made her wear the pendant. I lean in and kiss on her cheek. She blushed a little.

"I wish I could have you forever." I whisper.

"I do want the same." She said and I smiled.

"We should go back." She said and I nodded. We came out from our place and found that everyone was very much lean in their work and Vidhi too had left me.

"This all is so nice." Someone said and I looked over at the person who said that. He was an unknown figure. I don't think that I have invited him or any of the members. Who is he?

"I don't think I know you." I said to him and he smiled.

"You might not know me but I know all of you." He said. "I am Vikram Roy." He said and I nodded.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"Nice to meet you too." He said and I nodded. I heard some giggling and found the group of girls in which Bhoomi was present. I looked over to the person who was near me but when I turned he was nowhere to be seen. Have I imagined him?

"Nikhil." Someone called my name and I looked over the person and found my mother.

"Here you are. And I have been searching for you since the last few minutes. Let's go in a few minutes, you are going to be engaged." She said and I nodded.

God help me. I really don't want this marriage to further carry on. I really want Vidhi and Bhoomi to switch places and I can have her with me till eternity. God please show me the way to get out of this situation. We reached the stage where the engagement ceremony would take place. From the stage I saw Vidhi on whose face a smile was present and I do know that this smile is not of happiness but she is hiding her pain.

Suddenly something happened. A sound came up and the light went out. Everywhere darkness was shining. I couldn't see anything but I can say that this darkness will bring some trouble. I can hear people whispering to each other. After a good few minutes the light came up and to my surprise everything was good. Then why I am feeling that something is wrong. Nothing was stolen. I looked over Vidhi and I couldn't find her. Where did she go?

I looked over at Sonia, who was worried? Has something happened in the darkness which I and nobody knows. Someone came inside and it was Garv who was quite injured.

"What happened to you?" Sonia asked.

"Nothing has happened to me but Vidhi's life is in danger. Some people had come and cut the power and taken her away." He said and I went blank. Vidhi is kidnapped!!

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