Chapter 25

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Hi kitties


We had reached Sarojini Nagar market but our every move was in vain. We haven't yet found out where Vidhi is.

"I don't know where she is. No one had seen her over here." Garv said.

"Should we take the help of the police?" I asked him.

"We had taken their help. They are ready to attack but we have no clue where to find her." He said and I sighed. I took out my phone and unlocked the screen cover and saw her smiling face on the wallpaper. I go into the contact list and find her name and click on her name. I hope that she will pick up the phone. Her phone has been switched off. I hope she picks up this time and talks to me.

I was shocked when I heard that the ring is going. Suddenly someone picked it up as well.

"Vidhi." I said.

"Sorry to say but I am not Vidhi. I am Kamal Bhati." He said.

"This phone belongs to Vidhi. How- how did you get this phone?" I asked him.

"I found this phone behind the market of Sarojini Nagar.

"Can we meet you? maybe you can help us a bit in finding my friend." I said and he told me about his address. I think I know this address. I hung up.

"What happened?" Garv asked me.

"I think we got a clue. Let's go." I said and he nodded. We sat in the car and I instructed him about the place.

"Who was on the phone? " He asked.

"Mr. Bhati. He said that he got Vidhi's phone at the end of the market. Maybe we can get some clues about her." I said and he nodded.

"Maybe we can." He said and I nodded.

"It will definitely be a big day for me." I said and he chuckled.

"I hope we reach there before something goes wrong." He said and I nodded. We reached the address and I knocked on the door. A person opened the door who was looking in his early forties.

"Are you Kamal Bhati?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Please come inside." He said and I nodded. We both come inside and I take out the picture of Vidhi.

"Mr. Bhati, have you seen this girl? " I asked him and he looked at the picture and shook his head.

"No I haven't." He said and I sighed.

"Can you give me the phone? " I asked him and he nodded. He turned around.

"Asha." He called out and soon a girl in her teens came out. She was holding Vidhi's phone.

"Dad, isn't he Ashish Bhaiya?" Asha asked and his father nodded.

"You know Ashish Verma?' Garv asked.

"Yeah we do know him. His father is the biggest gangster of Northern India and Ashish is his son but he hates his father a lot and that's why when her mother died he left his house. He had suffered a lot." He said. Mr. Bhati took the phone from Asha and gave it to me.

"Can you tell us where we can find him?" I asked him.

"I can't tell you anything as where they used to live is abandoned now. But there is one person who could tell you the exact location of where they are." He said and I could see the hope beaming.

"Who is that person?' Garv asked.

"The house where he lived there is one good friend of his who has helped him a lot and that person can only help you as he literally knows everything about his whereabouts." He said.

"But how could you say that he knows his whereabouts?" I asked him.

"If you went to Mr. Verma for a good deal and you don't find him and tell his friend and he will immediately tell you his location but with commission.' He said and I am already feeling disgust towards this man.

"Can you please take us to him? We have great deal to be done with Mr. Verma." Garv said and he nodded. I know Garv was very furious at what that Mr. Verma had done to Ashish and I am feeling the same as well. I want to bury him alive.

"Please come with me." Mr. Bhati said and we nodded and we followed him. I really want my Vidhi back and if I get Vidhi back then I swear that she will not be able to go out of my radar. I vowed myself and we came to a locality where not many people were living in the house but still there were houses. I saw a giant White house.

"This is the house of Mr. Verma." Mr. Bhati said and I nodded.

"And that house beside Mr. Verma is of Mr. Das. He is the friend of Mr. Verma" He said and I nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Bhati for bringing us here." Garv said and shook his hand.

"You're welcome." He said and left us there only. We went towards Mr. Das' house and knocked on it. We heard footsteps and the door was opened by a elderly woman.

"Is Mr. Das home?" I asked.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"We are some business associates who have come to make a business deal." I said and suddenly someone came.

"I am Mr. Das." He said and I smirked.

"Hello Mr. Das." I said and he nodded.

"Please come inside." He said and we came inside and followed him to the living room and we settled ourselves on the sofa.

"So why are you here?" He asked.

"We wanted to make a business deal with Mr. Verma and you but Mr. Verma is not at his home." I said and he nodded.

"He will come soon." He said.

"But we want to make the deal urgently as many are there who want this deal and today is the last day." Garv said and I nodded.

"I will tell you where he is but first I want something." He said and smirked.

"We will give you something." Garv said and smirked and stand up before slapping him again and again.

"I think this is enough." Garv told him, Mr. Das was not in good condition. I was pitying him.

"Now tell me where he is?" I asked.

"He...he is in Block BD in his small house." He said and I was ready to get my Vidhi back.

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