Chapter 19

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Hi kitties


"I guess you know many things about him." Bhoomi said.

"This is an understatement. I don't know him 95% but rest I might know him. I know I am babbling things. But what I see is true. Ashish, might be the coldest person you ever met but I know his heart is bleeding. And he also allows his heart to bleed the blood. I don't know what he is hiding? But I think he needs someone who will understand him. I am waiting for the girl who won't judge him on what he shows them and what he behaves on. I know his heart is pure but is bleeding. If I wouldn't have someone in my life before him then I say that I would already have fallen for him but as usual he won't let any girl come around him." I said and she nodded and was lost in her thoughts.

"So if you have no choice then you will get married to Ashish?" I choked over it.

" He is my best friend and I don't want to risk my friendship by naming it marriage. Yeah, but if he asks me then I think I will marry him." I said.

"And what about that someone else who is in your heart?" She asked and I sighed.

"He is someone who has got away from me. He is getting married." I said though I haven't revealed the name but I don't want to reveal them as well.

"OH my God!!!" She said." Didn't he talk to you?" She asked and I was more confused to answer her.

"He did and he is now saying that he wants to be with me again. But I am confused." I said to her,

"That is great news. But why are you confused?" She asked me.

"Please can we leave this topic over here only. I am in no mood to talk about it anymore." I said to her and I guess she got the idea that I don't want to talk about this anymore. My coffee was finished and I kept the cup inside the sink and went out. I was going towards my room when I was pulled. I was kind of scared of the sudden act and my both hands were on the person's shoulder. Because of this sudden pulling I closed my eyes. When I felt that I was safe I opened my eyes and met the brown eyes. I looked at him and quickly pulled away.

"What are you doing?" I asked him but he just smiled and pulled me further.

"I have asked you something." I said. Though for me it is very hard to control my emotions. I do like to be in his arms but as much as I think this is going to end soon.

"This small moment won't end if you don't want to." He said and I looked at him.

"So you were telling Bhoomi about our relationship?" He asked and my eyes widened.

"Were you eavesdropping?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"So, if I wasn't in your life then you would have married Ashish. Huh?" He asked.

"Of course." I said and he again chuckled.

"You can't lie to me. And you had already proved that the part which I had reserved is still reserved in your heart." He said and I looked away but I felt the lips over my cheeks and I looked at him and he just smiled.

"This is not right." I said and was pulling myself back but unfortunately his grip around me is quite strong.

"What happened? Aren't you able to get free from my grip?" He said to me and I looked at him. His grip was getting tight over my waist.

"Nikhil, we are already done. Our relationship is done. We are now just friends. And you are getting married and I am just here to attend that wedding, nothing else." I said looking into his eyes. Though it hurted me from the core of my heart, every word was true. Our relationship has ended.

"Our relationship has never ended. Just because of misunderstanding our relationship broke down." He said coldly.

"And who was the person who created that I was cheating on him?" I asked him and he looked away.

"I had already said sorry about that." He said and I made him face me.

"Look at me." I said and he still didn't look at me. I sighed. " Nikhil, one thing you understand is that your sorry can't bring anything to normal. Your sorry can't bring our relationship together. Your sorry can't bring back the tears which I had shed because of you. Your sorry can't change everything between us. Your sorry literally can't bring everything back." Tears started to form in my eyes. I was breaking down. This was my limit where I could hold myself back. I hugged him quickly.

"I know you're sorry you can't do anything. But Nikhil. I love you. I love you very much. I can't imagine my life without you. I do want to have you in my life. As my present as well as my future." I said and tears were falling. He hugged me back.

"Me too Vidhi, me too." He said and pulled away and wiped away my tears. And he smiled.

"I at least got to know that you still love me." He said and smiled. I hugged him again and he chuckled and neither he nor I tried to break the silence which was very beautiful in my words and I was happy that I was in his arms again but again I am scared because in a few days later he will be someone else's husband.

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