chapter 6

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Hi kitties.


It was very painful when I saw her once again . I thought I had completely driven her out of my heart but now I know I was damn wrong about it. I just can't drive her out of my heart but what can I do? I wouldn't leave her if she wouldn't have cheated on me with a guy. When I saw her with her other guy my heart broke and then my father made a suggestion to meet Bhoomi and I took that opportunity to drive her out of my system.

I was driving to the movie hall with Bhoomi next to me. Vidhi was just sitting behind me. I really missed her but as much as I missed her I want her to be out of my life and after two weeks I am also getting married but this happiness is not reaching to my heart. I should be happy but I am feeling the opposite and want to go back to Vidhi and start a new life but as much as I think it is already late. I had already made the decision. I haven't any plans to get married after dating Bhoomi for only six months. But my dad found out about it and he told me to get married as soon as possible. He actually likes Bhoomi a lot and why won't he, after all Bhoomi is his friend's daughter.

I heard Sonia and Vidhi talking. Her voice is still sweet. Even through she hasn't changed much. She is still beautiful and the same Vidhi who doesn't show that she cares but deep down she cares. She cares for everyone who is around her. I sighed and we reached the movie hall and I went to park the Jeep. When I take out the key. I saw the key was having the V alphabet key chain. It means that this jeep belongs to her. She always wanted to have her own jeep and now she has that. I came back and saw that Garv was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Garv?" I asked.

"He had gone to buy movie tickets." Bhoomi said and we started to talk about random things but I heard every conversation of Sonia and Vidhi. I don't know what they are talking about. They were discussing catching someone. I guess they are not just here to attend my wedding but are also here for a mission. Garv came with the tickets and we went inside the theater. Vidhi was sitting between me and Garv. I was really attracted to her. I don't know when my father couldn't see my relationship of 3 years then how he had seen the relationship of only 6 months. I sighed. My focus on movies was not very good. My eyes always used to land on Vidhi only. I felt someone had encircled their hand around my hand and saw Bhoomi while she put her head on it. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

Bhoomi is not the bad girl with whom you don't want to live. Actually she is fun but she can't be compared to Vidhi. Because the feeling that she had generated in me was something that I had never felt with anyone else and the place she had created for her in my heart can never be replaced by anyone. I sometimes think, have I made a mistake by accepting the marriage proposal? I don't know the answer. I hope I get my answer as soon as possible so that I don't go on the wrong track in my life. I sighed and looked at Vidhi. She was focusing on the movie. Has she moved on from me? I asked myself. I don't know. I really want her back in my life even though I know it is impossible for me.

I still can't imagine her with another person. I don't know how I will react when I see her in an altar with red saree or lehenga. I bet she would look very beautiful when she becomes a bride but the difference would be that I would not be there with her but someone else who would make her happy. I sighed. I have gone too far. I heard that she doesn't want to get married because she wants to be with her mother.

The movie ended and we all sat in the Jeep. This time Vidhi sat in the driver seat and Sonia sat beside her. I guess Vidhi and Sonia are best friends. I was behind Vidhi. Bhoomi again encircled her hand around my hand and put her head.

"Are you alright?" I asked her and she nodded with a smile.

I looked at Vidhi once again. How she still manages to look so beautiful. We reached home. I didn't know when we reached as my full focus was on Vidhi. Vidhi is always able to catch my attention more than any other girl.

I went straight to my room and just stared at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and remembered the day when I looked at her for the first time.

A girl was too shy to come inside the school. She was still at the gate and was looking at the front door. I couldn't see her face at all. Her hair was in a ponytail. Her dress was neat and clean and seeing her like this it feels like she is new over here. It was 11 years back then. I bid my goodbye to my father and went into the class. I sat on a particular bench in the last raw in the first second bench.

The teacher entered the class along with the girl whom I guess I saw outside. At this time I could see her face and she was so cute. My heart flatters over there only. How could she look so cute? She was made to sit beside me and my rest of the day went like that only by staring at her. She knew that I was looking at her whole time cause she asked me about my stares at her. Soon I became her friend and my group was left behind but sometimes she used to give me time to spend with my friends. She was very unique and still she is.

I opened my eyes and saw my mother beside me.

"What are you smiling at?" She asked.

"Nothing, just past memories" I said and smiled.

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