chapter 8

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"Her boyfriend." The new guy said. I looked at Vidhi who was calm but was giving him a burning look. He is the same guy whom I had seen Vidhi with in some photos.

"My boyfriend?" Vidhi said in a low voice but I heard it. Every attention was on her only and she was uncomfortable with it. Then she smirked and went towards him.

"You are my boyfriend?" The guys nodded. "But then why in my memory history none of your face is registered along with your name?" She asked.

"You got into an accident a few months ago and from then you have this kind of memory that you sometimes remember me and sometimes not." He said and caressed her hair. Vidhi grabbed his neck and said something in his ear. The man's face changed but he replied something.

"Okay if you say so. Then what is your name?" She asked.

"Jai Tanwar." He replied.

"I had already warned you Jai. Don't regret afterwards because Vidhi is someone who knows how to control the situation gracefully." She smirked.

"I would be glad to take the challenge." He said and I smirked. The confidence which I can see in Vidhi was making me feel confident that Jai will lose this

"This may ruin your reputation in front of so many people." She told him and Garv was going towards her but she stopped him and shook her head. "So as you are my boyfriend and according to you I had met with an accident. So you know many things about me?" She asked and he nodded.

"Let's start from the basics. What do I like to eat?" Chhole Bature, especially those which her mother makes. I said the answer in my mind.

"Chhole Bature, especially those which your mother makes." I was shocked when he said the answer.

"Pleased to hear that. What is my favorite color?" Golden and purple.

"Golden and purple." He said. I was shocked this time as well.

"Basic three is the hardest level." She said,

"No middle level or normal level?" Jai asked.

"No, you should know that Vidhi plays hard." Vidhi said and it is kind of true. Back when everyone was scared of trying she would stand first and try that thing. Sometimes she got hurt badly but then also she used to try it.

"I know that very well." He said and smiled.

"What do I generally drink?" Adrak ki chai.

"Coffee" Jai said and I smiled.

"Wrong." She said and Jai face fell. "No worries. The place which I like most to visit." Golden temple and the park near it.

"Golden temple and the park near it." He said and this time I was sad.

"Impressive. What is my hobby?" She asked. Sketching, playing sports and listening to music.

"Sketching and shopping." He said.

"Wrong answer." She said, "Hard level."

"Where do we first meet?" She asked.

"In the central park of New Delhi." Has he gone crazy? Vidhi had never come to Delhi before I had brought her.

"But I haven't visited Delhi for the past 15 years. And where is central park? I don't even know that." She said and the face Jai was making was of utterly fear.

"Fine last question. When did my accident take place and where?" She asked. And he was dumbstruck.

"Fused." She said,

"You don't know this because I have never met with an accident and even if I have it was 16 years ago in which I had been saved because of God. So don't you dare to give me a damn excuse that I had met an accident. I had warned you firstly only. Now just get out or else my slaps will make you lay on a hospital bed." Vidhi said that Jai wasn't leaving the place at all. She grabbed him by his collar.

"Just go away or else.... you know it very well." She said and left him. He quickly made the run for his life. She looked around as each one of the people present there was looking at that drama only.

"Sorry everyone. Because of me your precious time has been wasted." Vidhi said and went away. I sighed. So those photos were false and this made me break up with her. I really regret the decision now. I should have consulted with her about him first but I chose to burn in jealousy and left her because she cheated on me. I regret everything now. What have I done? Now there is no turning back. I am such a fool and didn't even receive her call when she used to call me. I am such a fool.

"She is so brave. I wish I could be like her" Bhoomi said and I looked at her.

She had those features which no one could have and that made her special. Everyone went back to their places and probably were talking about what had happened now. I wanted to go back to her and hug her until the world ended and make her mine once again and be with her like old days but me being a fool I choose those lame photographs over her. I go to my room and shut it off. My door opened and my mother entered my room.

"What happened son?" She asked and my tears filled with thinking how much I was wrong to take her as guilty. I quickly hugged her.

"What happened Nikhil?" She asked.

"Ma I had made a grave mistake." I said.

"What mistake have you made?" She asked and I told her the whole truth and she was very sad as well as angry.

"You have broken her heart terribly by firstly ignoring her. And it may happen that she thought that you don't love her anymore, that's why she decided to act like bitch." She said and I think it is possible.

"Ma, is it too late?" I asked her in hope I can get a negative answer

"Yes, Nikhil It is too late. At the end of the next week you are getting married to Bhoomi and I can't help you at all. Because everything is finished after your decision to marry Bhoomi." She said and I sighed. She is right in every way.

"Ma why didn't father see my 3 year relationship while I had dated Bhoomi for only 6 months?" I asked her. This question always irritates me. I want to know why my father had ignored my 3 year relationship.

"I don't know, son. Maybe your father likes Bhoomi more than Vidhi because he is so happy to accept Bhoomi as his daughter in law." She said and I again sighed. I regret everything. Why did I have to make that decision? Just why?

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