chapter 10

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Hey kitties. How are you all? I hope you all are fine.


I just saw her and my day became bright. She was looking so great in her yellow gown. Which was perfect for her. She was looking so pretty and I wanted her to be with me. My one mistake could bring so much trouble, I didn't know that. I regret it but I can't do anything now. I just want to keep my friendship with her and that is why I have to talk to her.

I came outside the house where the ceremony was held. The ceremony started. My mother was the first one to apply Haldi on my cheek, hands and feet. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Soon everyone started to apply haldi on my body. I smiled at everyone. I heard giggling and that was also melodious. I know who this beautiful voice belongs to. I looked at her and she was giggling. Her either side of cheek was painted haldi. Along with her friends Bhoomi and Sonia. I looked at Garv who was recording them. He was smiling on his own. I didn't catch what his smile meant but I could say that he was enjoying it too.

I shook off that thought and after the ceremony ended. I was walking towards my room when I saw Vidhi.

"Vidhi wait." I said and she stopped and she looked at me. I could see her honey brown eyes. Which as always were attractive.

"What?" She asked. Her voice was neither cold nor angry. It was soft as usual.

"I want to talk to you." I said and she nodded at me.

"We can talk. But before you should talk to me you should clean up in new clothes." She said smilingly. I nodded and she went away. She hasn't changed a bit. She is still joyful, cheerful and full of new thoughts.

I went to my room and changed my clothes after having a quick bath. I am very excited to talk to her once again. I quickly changed and walked to the hall. I was waiting for her. She came down and I looked in her direction. She was in her jeans and shirt. She signed me to come towards her. I go towards her.

"We should go and talk on the terrace." She said and I nodded. We both go to the terrace. She wasn't looking at me but the view. I looked to the view and indeed it was beautiful.

"What do you want to talk about?" I looked at Vidhi who wasn't at all looking at me.

"I...... I.." I sighed when I realized that I am out of words to speak to her.

"You what, Nikhil?" She asked.

"I am sorry" I said as I felt it is good to start the conversation by saying what I am regretting now.

"Sorry for what?" She asked. I could feel the calm voice but somewhere it was also demanding the answer.

"For not trusting you." I said and she looked at me.

"I am not getting what you are saying Nikhil. " She said. I take a deep breath.

"Seven months ago. I received an envelope in which your and Jai Tanwar's photos were present. I was very angry to see those photos that I haven't picked up on your call as I was still fuming in both jealousy and anger. I regretted that and wanted to talk to you but then again when I was coming to talk to you I saw Jai behind you. I was very furious and didn't dare to look back at you.

I always thought what was wrong in me that you chose him over me then Bhoomi too came back from London after completing her studies and dad introduced her to me. We started to hang out and soon dad said that he likes Bhoomi to be her daughter in law. And you also suddenly started to act like bitch and I thought you were doing all this to go to him. That's why I am saying sorry because after that I had ignored you. I am really sorry." I said and she was blank. I looked into her eyes. But they contained nothing. Her eyes were emotionless.

"You know what?" She said and I looked at her. "I thought you were tired of me and why not. I am such a bookworm who just loves her own world and didn't dream of anyone entering it. But you had broken that shell long long ago. I found you and Bhoomi laughing and hanging out. Not one or two times but many times. Then I thought maybe I wasn't perfect for you. So I started to act like a bitch so that we could have breakup and you go and a life with her." She said and a tear was on the edge to leave her eyes.

"So we both are on the same boat?" I asked and she nodded and she wiped that tear.

"We were. Now our path has changed. Our path has changed and we have too changed. I guess we should forget that 3 year relationship because after 2 weeks you will be hers. And only hers." She said and I was kind of tense after listening to that. Even though I know that we are now destined to be somewhere else. I sighed.

"Yeah you are right. I guess that we should forget that. But it will not be easy for me. A 3 year relationship can't be vanished in just 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years or even 3 decades. It does take time. Cause you still have a big part. Maybe Bhoomi will be my wife but my heart can't beat for her like it beats for you." I said and made her hand place on my heart. " Feel it. It is still beating crazily for you. It will beat like this only for 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years and 3 decades. If you would be with me." I said. Please say yes Vidhi and this marriage would not be done anymore.

"No this is not right at all. You are going to be married in two weeks. We should stop it. It was past and the past can't come back in life." She said and went away from there and I was looking at her way only. 

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