Character Answer and Other Thing(s)

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(Most of these are paraphrased because a lot of people asked the same thing. Also, sorry if I didn't answer yours, but if I didn't then it was because I couldn't for the sake of the plot or it was too dirty and the chapter would have been rated R.)


Are you planning on staying together with Ashton when he leaves? Australia is really far...

Are you going to tell Ashton how you feel before he leaves? But I don't have to tell him! He knows how I feel.

Are you planning on going after Ashton if he moves? I can't do whole life is in London, and besides that, how would I get that kind of money? I work, like, 40 hours a week plus I have to help pay for the apartment and food and other stuff.

How would you describe how you feel around Ashton? Happy, I guess. I don't know exactly how to put it in to words. Ashton's better at that kind of stuff.

If you could dedicate a song to Ashton, what would it be? Hm...I'd have to think about if for a while to give a really good answer, but just off the top of my head I'd have to say Happy by NeverShoutNever, and oh god saying that out loud makes me realize how cheesy I am and Ashton's going to hardcore judge me for that, but...I mean, he makes me happy. Yeah.

If you could give anything to Ashton, what would it be and why? Well, I'm not gonna lie, my first thought was 'a kiss', but honestly, right now it would be the money he needs to stay in school because I'm going to miss him so much when he leaves...I wish i had that kind of money to give him. But I don't.

Will you and Ashton end up like the movie 'The Best of Me'? I don't know. I've never seen it.

What will you do when Ashton leaves? Miss him.

What has been your favorite memory wish Ashton so far? Our fist kiss, I think. Wait--our first, that ended terribly. Oh! Our first date, I think. When we walked home in the rain and we slept on the floor and he asked me to be his boyfriend and we talked about red. Yeah. That one.

What is your favorite thing about Ashton? Um...I like the way he says things. If that makes sense. It probably doesn't, but it would if Ashton explained it. He's good at...words. He makes them so nice, the way he puts them all together.

Are you okay? How're you holding up? Ashton's not gone yet and I just ate some cereal, so I'm doing pretty well, thanks.

Have you thought about proposing to Ashton so he can stay? Dude, I am seventeen years old and we've been dating for a little over two weeks.

When you and Ashton get married, are you thinking of adopting kids? I like how you consider it so set in stone that we'll get married. In theory, if I were to marry anybody, not just Ashton, I would want to have kids, though.

What were your first real thoughts of Ashton when you met him at the music store? As opposed to any fake thoughts I had of Ashton? Ha. Sorry. Well, the first time I met him he took his shirt off, so even though I didn't consciously know I liked boys then, my brain was kind of like SJNEOFEK184THDJNSNRW89Q3TO.

When you gonna get a piece of dat ass? Wow. Um. I. Um.

Who tops? We haven't done that, and when we do, you won't  hear about it.

Is Ashton on your bucket list of things to do? Dude, Ashton's the one with the list, not me.

Why are you so perfect? I'm so not, though.

Do you ever look back and want to change something that happened? And do you want to change something about Ashton? No and no. I'm glad to have Ashton just the way he is.

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