about me

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hi i am ming

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hi i am ming.

i am rich and talented.i work for my fathers company,no one knows who i really am,i just work as an small employee and mingle with them,its dad idea that i should know everthing from the bottom before i handover the company.

so after i return from states i directly join at the entertainment industry to know everthing from low level.

i am not interested in women,yes i like boys,especially cute one with inocent and pure faces and hearts.i never thought in my life i will hav a broken hreat.

his name is kit,a cute face simple person and especially his dimple when he smiles makes every one fall for him.

This all started 1 year back when I involved in a project

our company involved a projrct,its a bl project called 2 moons,where 6 friends life and love is described.

pha ,yo, forth, beam ,ming and kit.

dad asked to take that project under me and supervise,only the director and producer know who i really am.

we hav selected cast for every charecter,every one was soo perfact for their roles,but before week of the shoot begin the one who is selected for ming charcter was in accident and broken his leg.

in short time we cant take or select another one,director and producer called me to their apartment and said the problem

"mr ming its a pretegious project,we cant select any one at this time so hurriedly"

"what should we do director" ming asked

well i hav a sugesstion why dont you act .what ?yes we hav seen how you narrate and acted some line.

so please consider this,

but i am

"no one knows who you really are and you are not planning to reveal yourself in anytime now" director asked

yes i noded,

"well then day after tommorow our workshop will start you join with others ,no one knows who we sleceted for what roles,tommorow is a press meet wear we  are going to annouce it them,so please consider it,if incident like this goes out before the start of project every one thinks its a bad luck,:director and producer convinced me.

i think about for sometime and talk to my dad,i explain eveything and he said ok.

i gave my green signal to them

next daythe press conference,all the cast members are their to introduce.there i see godt,tea ,tee copter and bas,i join them like i was new like them

we introduced each other and one person that caught my attention is copter like i said he is cute innocent and pure and his dimple makes my day when he smiles but i didnt show any of my emotions to them.

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