how long will you run?

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Pha take ming to an amusement park.

"Why are we here "ming asked.

"To see how beautiful life is "pha said

"Pha I am not in mood to enjoy this" ming said.

"Fine "but pha pouted and sit sadly at a bench

Ming smile seeing pha pouting but it felt sad when he see phas sad face.

Can we hav 2 feelings at a time.
"Pha, what are you doing to me "ming thought to himself.

"Fine come let's go."

Wait here I will be back pha ran from their like a kid.

Ming just smiled and sit on the bench waiting for pha.

After a moment pha appeared before ming with 2 bands and 2 pink sweet candy on his hand.

"What are these "ming asked.

"Our companions for this ride" pha said

"Pha we are not kids " mings said

"Let's say for don't waste time and come with me" pha said
Ming know he dont hav any choice.he also want to forget every thing for some time.

Ming smiled and went with pha.both enjoyed so many rides.

Explored so many food stalls.

Ming forget anything and enjoy like a kid with pha.

They sit on a grass and laughing.

Ming was looking at pha.

"What " pha asked

"Thanks" ming said
" we are friends right" pha said.

"I have so many friends pha but they didnt care for me this much." Ming said

"Be my real friend pha from today "ming said

"I want to be more than that ming" pha just wishpered

Ming didnt here that."what do you say" ming asked

Pha smiled "fine but one condition"

"What is that?"

" dont ever cry and you will say everything to me if it is sad or good news.i want to be with you in every moment of your matter how far I am" pha said

Ming thought for a second what pha was asking is life time commitment as a friend.

Yesterday pha is a person who he just knows but today he knows he is the close one to his heart.

But how come a person became this close in one day.just now he believe he was heart broken. Am I rushing .
A minute he thought but when he look at pha ,a voice said "just trust him this time he wont be heart broken."

He wants just friendship,no benifits at all .

When did I become this calculative just for choosing a friendship.

"Fine pha but promise me .dont ever cheat me and break my trust"ming said.

"Fine ,promise me" pha said

"Promise" ming said

After that pha and ming return home.
That week was just like a haven for ming.

Mings morning starts with phas smile.then a delicious breakfast then they go for outing enjoy whole day and return at midnight.

Last day when they are having break fast pha recieved a call.

"Now .fine I will be their in hour " pha replied

"Where are you going"

"To my home.want to come ."pha asked.
Home ?ming questioned

Pha take ming to an orphanage.

"Pha ....... "a girl run and hug him.

"How are you ray "he asked.


"Here happy birthday "pha shout

Showering with gifts to a girl.
Every one surround him and they cut the cake.

Everyone was happy.pha introduced ming to everyone.

"Pha ,"ming called.
"This where i was left as baby.ming ."

Ming placed a hand on pha shoulder when he hear a sad tone.

"I come to this place every time I hav free time" pha said.

At night they went to their home.jean was waiting for them.

:You 2 back" she asked.

"Every one back "pha asked.

"Ya waiting for you 2.we hav meeting."jean said.

Every one come out and settled on sofas.

Ming shivered a bit and a tear rolled in his eyes when he see kit.

Pha hold mings hand and sigh with his eyes when ming see him.

Pha hold mings hand and drag him to sit beside him.

Yo came late and sit beside kit.

Tea looked at ming a bit of confusion but he ignored when jean started to speak.

Guys we hav last schedule for 10 days.then season ends.

"Shooting starts at 10 tomorrow morning. "She said.

When she gone.every one started talking and having fun except ming.

Kit was behaving like nothing happen.
After dinner every one went to their room. Except ming he is sitting in the balcony

"Ming "pha called

"Can I sleep in your room" ming asked

"Sure "oha said
"Ming smiled"

"But for how long" pha asked

Ming frown his eye brows

:How long will you run from the situation "pha asked

:Pha "

"look ming running is not the solution for a problem.i know it's hard hut for how long will you run."

"Just face it."pha cupped mings face and look straight I n to his eyes.

"I will be their for you all the time.face brave. "Pha said.

Ming node.

He went to room.

When the door close for a minute pha sit in the couch.

"Did you intent to loss him :a voice heard.pha know its tea.

"No he will be back to me."

"Over confidence "said siting beside pha.

"No only confidence on my love" pha replied

"All the best" tea said

Pha just nude .tea signed and went on before he leave

"Pha once you leave it .I sincere suggestion dont leave it now.your love. "Tea said and leaves

Though pha said it confidently he was hurting inside.he was afraid the ming will leave him for kit.

Though he agreed to him as a friend
For now he wants that.

Pha looked at the mings closed room Door and said

"Come to me ming . "Pha said

That's it for this part
Thanks megha

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