you are my heartbeat

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"Why are you smiling "ming asked

"Nothing I never thought that I will walk like this beside you.its like a dream come true."

"Did you dream about this" ming asked.

Pha just shook his head.

A cool.breeze just pass them.

Ming hold phas hand.

Pha looked at the holding hands and to ming.

"I thought your dream will include this also."ming said

"You are still good at mind reading "pha said.

Ming smiled.

All this time they wanted to meet each other ,they wanted a whole world of words to talk to each other but when they really meet only silence is talking between them.

They feel like others presence is  enough to make their hearts fill with love.

When they reach .mings room.

"Do you hav to go" ming asked.

Pha just node.
"I dont know what I will do when I am with you ming "pha thought to himself.

"Ya .tomorrow are you free" pha asked.

"Yes" ming said

"Shall we 2 go some where" pha asked

Ming just node.

Ok then

Both are saying bye but they are not leaving their hands

When they leave their hands instantly a sad feeling invades in their hearts.

They just both node .they dont even say bye or good night.Basically they dont want but they can't stay.

Pha started walking  away from ming he turn and tears lingered in his eyes.

When pha turn and started walking tears flows from mings eyes.he cant take it.

He wants to run to pha and stop him.he wants to say what he feels for him.

Ming first thought that pha can be his friend only but when time passes he knows that pha has come so close to his heart.

But he cant risk his friendship because he dont know what pha feels for him and other is he dont want to be broken heart again.

He wants to tell pha that he loves him so much but he cant.what if pha thinks that he was so cheap. He knows about what happen with kit.will he trust me if I say I love him .

If he ask how can he easily forget kit in short time and love another one.

Infant he also dont know the answer then how can he answer phas question.

Mjng turn around and started walking with tears flowing from his eyes.

When he walk some distance and heard


when turn around he see pha.
But the vision is blurry because of his tears

When pha see tears in mings eyes.

He cant take it anymore. That's the last thing he want to see the tears in mings eyes and the hurt expression.

He open his arms for ming and gestured to come and hug him

Ming didnt waste time when he see pha open his arms for him.he ran to him and hug him.

Pha hug him tightly.

:I cant leave you ming "pha said

"Mee too."

Pha cupped mings face and kiss him.

A light, soft, smooth ,delicate which says he loves him where ming return it with same passion still tears are flowing from their eyes.

"I like you alot ming. I can't live without my boyfriend." PHAsaid

Finally ming hear what he wants.

"Without you it's hard even to breath" ming said.

"Let's date "ming said

Both smiled and this time the kiss was not at all simple.they want each other .

the kiss tells how hungry both are for others.

The kiss fills the whole emptyness in them all these years

The kiss makes every nerve who was just resting all these years come to live.

After a long deep and passionate kiss .they both separate.

"Can I stay with you to night "pha asked

Ming just nude.

Both went to mings room.
Wash them selfs and cuddle in the bed

"Ming can I ask you something "pha said

Ming knows what pha was going to can he answer when dont know but still he wants to hear.

Ming nude his head

"Can I kiss you once again "pha asked

Ming looked at pha like he see something strange

"What?, if you don't like then "before pha finished his line

Ming hover on phas and kiss him senselessly.

It's getting hard for pha to breath but he wants ming more.

When ming parted from pha he see how pha was panting he look straight to phas eyes they fill with lust

:More "pha said and drag ming to more kisses.

No matter how many times they kiss they still carve for more.

Every time they kiss they feel like it's their first time and they didnt get enough.

That night they just stop at kissing because they want to feel every moment of their lifes and remember them as a beautiful memory.

They cuddle to sleep after a long fight of kisses.

That's it for this part

What the next morning bring to their lifes.

Let's see it in next part

Thanks megha

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