you are mine,its my mark

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do you know when i saw you first time when you are playing football for you team in collage.

that time i was there was a friends drag me to football match.there i saw love at first sight ming,i fall for you instantly,these the photos i take at that time.

we have been there for 3 days,after the shoot i followed you every day.

but when the last day after the shoot i want to talk to you,because the night we are going back to thailand.

i wanted to meet you,and talked to you.i waited for you in the same cafe for 4 hours but you didn't came,when i asked someone told me that you return to your hometown,i asked for details but they didn't give me any.

i came to thailand,i was busy in my works,but i didn't last one minute that i think about you.i don't know where to search for you,i was sad,i have no interest in any thing and stopped going for photo shoots.

that time y friend convince me to act in 2moons series and agreed to it,because that time the orphanage need money,so agreed to act so that the remuneration i get will be used for orphanage

but luck is on my side i seen you that day again,you don't know how happy i was.

but still you looked at fall for kit.

that time i was broken from inside,i don't know what should i do,i was like a mad man,i wanted to be out of project but tae convinced me to do it for the sake orphanage.

every time when you are with kit i feel something broken inside me"pha was crying

ming also

that time i decided that i will be out of your life but i didn't know why tae came to me and asked to take care of you.

i thought i will treasure those moments with you.those are enough for my last breath.

but when i see how broken you are when you see kit loves someone.i didn't have the courage to move on.

i decided to stay by your side until you heal,but no destiny has other thoughts.i tried to be friends with you ming trust me but

when i see tears in your eyes that night i don't know what happen to me,i never thought of confessing to you.but still i do..

you know the rest.

"its my fault that i didn't tell all this but trust me i thought of telling you when time comes."

ming wipe his tears "then do you know who i really am"ming asked

pha looked at him confused

"what that means"pha asked

"do you know who my dad is"ming asked directly

"no,ming when did we discuss about family,i don't know any thing about them"pha said

ming see sincerity in phas eyes

"i am son of mr.danchapthaya" ming said

"what?"pha stand where he was

ming told everything why he did all those.

pha sat on the bed,"that means i have no chance with you" pha said

"what are you saying:'mingasked

"i keep a secret from you and you did the same.its equal but you are rich ming,i am orphan i cant be with you."pha said

"no i still love you" ming shouted

pha was stunned,i don't know who you are and what you are but let me tell you this last time"you are mine and i am yours"

"really you are not going to leave me"pha said

"yea baby i am not but one condition"ming said

"i will be with any thing.if you are with me"pha said

"don't you want to listen what that is"mingasked

"no "pha said

but you have to ming said "no more lies from now on."ming said

"fine "pha hugged ming

they both kissed,it was a hungggggggry kiss,but they kissed until they last breath but they didn't separate,a thin layer of saliva was formed between their lips.

still they didn't ,they are hungry for each other.

ming said while breathing heavily"baby first food its getting cold "

"let it be,i want you first" pha said and throw ming to the bed and jumped on him.

he kissed again and started to pop the buttons.

ming hold pha tightly when he feel phas hand on his bare skin.

ming breath and moan like never when pha started trailing his lips from his lips to neck and leaves mark their.

he byted that place and licked it"your mine now,its my mark"pha said

ming just hummed because he was already in pleasure that phas hand is giving him while holding his little monster and pumping it.

with out any waste of time,pha kissed the little monster and licked the precum .

ming arched his back when a warmness is placed around his monster.

pha feasted on it and never release it even when ming moan that he is coming

finally ming came in his mouth.

ming flip the pha and did the same .both are panting under one another .they rested for a while and did the dinner that ming cooked.

pha and ming are shirtless now.ming is arranging dinner on the table,pha hold the ming s waist from back and trailed kissis on the neck.

ming leanback and closed his eyes.he was feeling high again.

"pha please first dinner "ming said

"yes baby you are my dinner,ming i want to go further,can we "pha asked while pressing mings little monster.

"ummmmm" was the only answer from ming.

that's it for this part

hi everyone,

i publish a new story"you are mine"

its 2 forths story.confused.dont be.its not about twins

its about tae from 2moons season 1 and

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its about tae from 2moons season 1 and

pavel from 2moons 2 season 2

froth from season 1 and season 2

its anew pair.juts try it

hope you all like it

thanks megha

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