what my heart says....

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Thanit composed himself and laugh a little.

"Why are you laughing" ming asked a little confused.

"Because that kiss,you did that because you think I am pha" thanigh said

"Ya" ming said calmly
Before ming say anything thanit continued

"It's just a kiss so no obligation". Thanit said.

"Ya it's just a kiss."

"Ming i wannabe tell you something" thanit said

"Anything "ming was looking at him.

"Dont hurt pha,he loved you so much."

"At least I hav a father who takecare of me after I separated from my biological parents.but pha he has endured so much ."

"He fot for everything.and for your love also."

"You know that" ming asked
"Ya when I know about cop I get more angry at you but you also a victim their.remember how he was with you when you are broke."

"But I was happy when you accept pha as your love."

"Life is like a race ming, we hav to survive more hurdles to live and to win,what matters is how strong your love is to win that race."

Thanit smiled. Even ming remember every thing that happen."you are right "ming said.

"I wannabe ask last thing"

"Do you like me" ming ask

Thanit laugh,everyone likes you ming.
You are cute adorable and handsome.
But not like the way pha like you.

Ya ming just node and smile.

"It's very nice meeting you thanit."ming held his hands for shake and said

Ya thanit also laugh.
Both went to their ways with light hearts.

When ming went to his bed mr d was already their waiting for me.

"Dad anything wrong" ming asked

"Do you like thanit" mr d directly asked.

"I heard both of you at Terrence. I know what thanit think but I want to know what your thoughts are."

"I love pha dad "ming said.

"Then what about thanit."

"I just like him dad.thats it .but not like I love pha.all these days I feel different with thanit dad.may be i just carried away but I love only pha dad" ming said

"I love you my son.i was afraid for a second. "

Ming laugh and hug him.

Next day was a fresh start for everyone.pha returned with ben.

Everyone was gathered in the breakfast table. Everyone was so happy especially pha.he got his family back and ming who he loved the most.

:Pha "thanit called
Yes" thanit
"Me and Ben we are leaving for coastal area."
"Why ?"pha asked.

"I leave that gangster world pha now I want a new start.ben decided to follow me."

"I open the restaurant at beach area.i leave everything behind and want to start a new life."

"But..."pha try to say something.

"I promise I will be in touch with you and I will visit you frequently."thanit said as it is his final decision.

Everyone accept that and bid good bye to thanit and ben.

Pha cried alot when thanit left but ming hug him as his life depends on it.

Ming take pha a lovely date .

"God I miss you so much" pha said while hugging ming.

"Ya me too."ming said he hug pha more tightly.

Ming kiss pha and found himself that its pha, his heart always belong to.

"God I love you pha."

He drag pha by nape and kissed him passionately.even pha melted in his warmness.

Both are holding breath and kissed as their is no tomorrow.

"My baby i badly want you" ming said

"Baby "pha moaned high .

The warmness from ming making pha uncontrollable .

Ming hug pha strongly and started crying.

Pha notice that

"Ming what happen baby just tell me".

"I ..I.. "he cant complete the sentence

Pha hug ming sometime until he was calm.

"What are you thinking baby" pha asked.

"Its i....thanit...."ming stoped.he feared that pha will leave him when he learn about their kiss.

Pha wipe the tears  on ming face.

"You love him" pha asked

"No "ming says instantly

"I ..I  kissed him" ming said

"I know "pha smiled

Ming was stunned.

"Are you not mad at me " ming asked

"No,you did that because  u think it was me.so no worry,and  already i talked to thanit he dont hold any feelings for you."

"Its just an incident that happen so please forget it "pha said

"And ming if I directly see that you kiss another person.i wont dought you.because I believe in you and in our love. "

"I trust you ming. "Pha said

Pha ming hugged him tightly.

"I was a little confused at first. What if thanit hav feelings for me.what if he was shutting himself.all that I know is I love you and you love  me.so no misunderstandings but when I talk to thanit  all my doughts cleared but "

"A small wave hit my heart what if you misunderstand that kiss.."

"I know what is going on baby with you ,so from now on let's forget everything and live our lives happily."

Ming kissed pha and the hot session followed.


basically ming is a good person.he never love thanit .the only one he loves is pha.

When he learn that its thanit not pha that was here all the time.then he remember the kiss that morning.

Sure he feels different about the kiss but he see love in it as if thanit is expressing his feelings for him.but he was not sure.

All this time ming is worried that may be thanit hold feelings for him which he cant return them because he loves pha so much.

Thanit is phas brother.pha got his family back after long time.if thanit has feels for him then everything will  broke at once.

That's what ming feared.

When he heard thanit feelings he was released and he feared what pha will think.so he wants to tell everything to pha and was ready to kneel before him.

But when pha told what he feels ming was relieved from all worries.

So guys ,ming never loved ,no never liked thanit in romantic way .he was worried about thanit.

So guys dont hate ming because he only loves pha and he wants to live only for pha.

That's it guys.

Tell me how you feel.about this part.

Thanks megha.

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