the truth

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ming pha was so happy in their world.

ming forgets everything about kit,no pha make it happen,he showered ming with lots of love where ming has no time to think about others.

like always sbfive is a hit ,after that they do 3 or 4 songs and every one was sucess.

even pha also completed his project and he get a good name for that and offers are showering on him

but he decided to take break for 10 days for mings sakes so that ming and him can spend some time together.

one day ming was called to his fathers office.

"dad "ming ran and hug his father

mr. daichapanya also hugged his son,he was so happy,seeing ming like that,a cheerful and happy one.

"how are you my son" he asked

"fine,as always" ming replied

"i called you because i time to discuss about some thing:" his dad said

"what is it dad"ming asked

"i think its time for you to take over the business.if all not at least the entertainment industry."his dad said

"do you have any objection:"dad asked

"no dad but first i need to tell pha about it."ming said

"why, he will object that?"dad asked

"no dad he doesn't know who i really am,he thinks i am a mere employee"ming said

"what?you didnt tell him

"no dad,it never crossed over conversation."ming said

"fine then discuss with him and tell me."dad said

"ok dad i have to go,take care bye"ming said

"ming"dad called when he was about to leave

ming looked back,"are you happy with phana"he asked

"yes dad,alot,he loves me so much,this time i am not wrong"ming said

dad smiled and bid good bye

ming lost his mom when he was 10,from them his dad took care of him like mom and dad too.

ming never asked about his mom,he never feel lonely,though his dad has so many businesses,he never neglect ming and always gives time for him.

he created a empire of ming to rule,ming was also silent obedient and calm.

but when ming was heart broken with kit he cant take it,he want to smash kits future but it was ming who stopped him.

but when pha approached ming,his dad was afraid,so canceled the 2moons 2 series.but because of directors he finally approved with new cast.he wants ming to be far from both kit and pha.

so he assign pha to other project and make both of the far,but destiny has its own way,though they are far they still fall for each other.

when he enquired about pha,he was amazed and this time he trusted ming more about his decision,

his dad was never convinced to take kit in sbfive but it was ming who convinced him,he trust that ming will not make the same mistake again.

after ming came out of his dad office he called pha

"pha where are you"mng asked

"in the sets,why ,anything important"pha asked

"yes,i need to talk to you,"ming said

"fine,the shoot will finish in 1 hour then i will call you"pha said

"ok ,bye"

"love you baby"pha said

"love you too "ming smiled

"i will surprise you"ming thought and went to phas room

once pha given his room key to ming that he will come when ever he wants,but he did not got a chance,so this time he want s to go.

ming took the groceries to cook dinner and went to phas room

inside ming was afraid that pha will be angry for not telling him who he he wants to covex pha with food

when he entered the room it as neatly arranged.he directly go to kitchen and cook dinner for them,

he still has some time so he was exploring phas house.

it was neatly arranged,on walls there was phas photos.

ming smiled while seeing that,suddenly his phone rang,its pha

"ming where are you?my shoot is over ,can we go for dinner and we can talk"pha suggested

"ming laugh,no need .i am at your room,i cooked food ,now hurry you ass here,i am missing you" ming said

"pha laugh"fine give me 10 mins i will be their"pha cut the call

while exploring ming saw some photo albums,he though it was phas childhood photos ,but when he open it he was surprised.

the album is full of his photos ,what surprise him more is ,all the photos are from his college days when he was in states.

how come pha has my college day photos,does he know me from before.did he know who i really am.did he approach me with some intentions

shhh ming wait what are you thinking,calm down,don't jump to conclusions ask pha first,his mind and brain said same thing

suddenly the door open and its pha.

pha was stunned to see the photos in mings hand

"what are these pha,"ming asked

"do you know me before" ming was trying to calm himself

"first sit i will tell you everything" pha said

"i know you when you are in stated ming"pha said

ming was shocked but didn't say anything he wants to first here what pha was going to say

that's it for this part

hi everyone,

i publish a new story"you are mine"

its 2 forths story.confused.dont be.its not about twins

its about tae from 2moons season 1 and

pavel from 2moons 2 season 2

froth from season 1 and season 2

its anew pair.juts try it

hope you all like it

thanks megha


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