who is that?

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Sorry guys for late update.hope you guys dont mind.i just want to finish the "marriage vows "  story.

Ok now let's start this story


Suddenly the door open , bas and cop are stunned to see tee and tae at that time.

"P's what are you doing here at this time "bas made an angel face and went to them but his feet stop after 2 steps because of the deadly aura both tae and tee are giving.

"What happen?" its cop this time he was shivering inside because of that

"What are you 2 doing ?"tae asked coldly.

"We are just chatting" bas shuttered

"I am asking about this "tae throw the photos in air .those the photos both posted on their site.

Both gulped and took a step back.
"We..we ..just posted because they are our new pictures "cop try to say but stoped seeing tee getting close to them.

"Dont bluff we know exactly what is going on "tee said.

Bas and cop are silent.

"Cop do you hav any idea how much joss loves you.there he is fighting with his father to convince him for your marriage and here you" tee shouted on cops face

"And bas you ,you are never like this.do you even know how much pha like you and adore you.you are like a little brother to him who he misses so much. But you what are you doing."

That that...

"Stop what ever you are doing" tae shouted or else I know how to deal with you 2.

"Cop 'joss loves you so much and you also love him."

"What you 2 hav for pha and ming are the clossiness that formed in this 2 years but it's not love."

"And cop, ming gave you a chance but you chose joss .he was fine and move on and its time for you 2 to move on."

Tee said calmly.

Bas ran and hug him.

"Bas you hav everything and you will get your love .so please let him go .we love angel bas not this bad one ."tee said

"And you cop,once you loss a great love and god is still with you and give joss .so cherish it until the end.if you ignore that then may be next time god will not be this mercy to you"

"Both stop all this and lets live like the same we are.or else you know what I can do "tae said.

Both know what tae is capable of .and they also recognise their fault.and said sorry.

"Tee and tae look at each other and smiled.they know these 2 need some guidance.thats it."

Pha called ming.

"Hey baby where are you" ming asked.

"Huh baby I just finished my shoot and getting home" oha said.

Before ming say anything ,his dad entered the room.

"Is that my son online" he asked.
Ya,ming said.

"Give me I want to talk" mr d asked.

Ming hand over the phone to his dad.

Before he speak he heard some noises other side.

When pha was talking to ming the one who asked pha in movie appeared in front of pha.

"Who are you" pha asked.

"Movie, restroom." The other one trying to make pha remember.

Oh ....before pha say something the other man put handkerchief on phas face and kidnap him.

Mr d listen everything .he instantly know that someone kidnap pha.

He cut the phone.

"What dad why didnt you talk "ming asked.

Huh the line cut,I will talk to him and he went to his office.

Ming was immensed in pha thoughts that he didnot observe his dad take his phone.

Mr d went to his office and called tae .

"Tae in my office immediately." Mr d said.

Tae knows that's it's important.

When he went to office. He asked.

"Sir" tae said

"Someone kidnap pha "mr d said.

"What "tae shouted.
"who "he asked
"We hav to find. what about bas and cop "mr d asked.

"No not them I and tee already cleared everything sir."

Then who.

Mr d was thinking he was remembering what he heard on phone then he remembered movie restroom words..

He told  tae everything.give me 10 mins tae said  and then he called some one and said what to do.

After 5 mins they got photo in his phone.Sir, he show it to mr d.

Who is he.then immediately the other person s information displayed on screen.

Then Mings phone indicate a notification of receiving a video.

When mr d open it.

He was so angry.

"Tae i want him alive before me "he shouted

"sir" tae went out.

mr d blood boil when he see the video.

after a long time,ming get that he didnt take his phone from his dad and went to his office.

mr d was not their but he found his phone on table,he take and checked it.

and his world freez when he see the video

:pha" he shouted

mr d who went to restroom ran to his room when he hear mings voice and see ming collapsed on the floor

"ming look at me,"mr d said

dad pha,

nothing happen to him,i will get him back,just half an hour please trust me in this he hugged ming tightly

pha ,ming was sobbing.

mr d phone ring and it was tae

"tae he said.fine we will be their in 10 mins "mr d said

lets go we found him,both ran to aplace where tae said.

what they see make them stunned at their placeses.

pha was swimming in blood,ming ran to him and hug him and shouting

they hear an ambulence sound and immediatly taken pha to hospital.

"where is he" mr d shouted.

tae showed 2 guys who are already beaten to death by tae

"take them to degan "mr d said

no need to say twice,tae take them to a place where no one knows

thats it for this part

thanks megha

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