a new start

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In the room

Ming take a bath and cooled himself.

When he was out of bathroom he see kit sitting on the bed.

Ming did not talk.

"Ming "kit called

Ming look at kit

"You are not talking to me" kit said.

Ming didn't say anything.

"Sorry ming ii was out of town for some work.there was no signal their so I didn't hav the chance to talk."

"And about what happen between us.lets just forget that.lets be just friends."

Kit stopped talking and looked at me

Ming look straight to kit eyes.he knows kit was lying.

"Only one question kit.

Just be sincere. "Ming said

"I just need to know from the start the way you talk, the way you behave and what has happen between us.was it just a lie or for just a moment did you feel anything for me."

Kit looked at ming.he just think for some time.

"We can be just friends ming.what happen is happen.i cant reverse it. it won't repeat.i dont feel anything for you ming that's all I can say. "Kit said

:Thanks kit for sincerely telling the truth. "Ming said.

"You are not mad or angry with me" kit asked

Ming just smiled "no.:he said.

That night kit sleep well but pha didn't sleep at all.

Next morning pha was sitting in the balcony .he was having a sever head ache.

Suddenly the smell of coffee makes him Smile.

When he open the eyes he see smiling ming with fresh and holding 2 cups of coffee.

:Ming "he almost shouted.

he know how tense pha was .he smiled that he earn a friend who care about him.

"Have it "ming showed coffee to pha

"What happen pha cant hold that question. "

"Its over pha.he said he didn't feel anything."

"What about you "pha asked.

"I almost leave it pha but it's my heart it takes sometime to heal."ming said.

"If ,you are ok and just dont walk that path again then it is ok "pha said.

"I never walk that way pha.but I want you to walk beside me as a friend all the time" ming said.

"Pha smiled.i will be their for you" ming all the time.

It's been 10 days the shooting for 2moons is over.the series was super hit.

All the fan meeting was super success.

Every one was happy.

All thought that season 2 will began in few days.

Except ming and pha.they dont want season 2.

Phas reason is ming.he thought if he was too close to kit.he will hurt
He wont hav a chance to heal his heart if kit is always infront of his eyes.

Mings reason is he dont want to see kit at all though he accept kit as friend but its will not work if he is with him

But 1 percent he wants 2moons its because of pha.he can be with him.

Broken Heart.....loving HeartWhere stories live. Discover now