call me....... dad

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Next day mings dad announce party and press conference.

Sbfive is hit along with phas project.
Everyone was invited to party along with press conference.

Everyone was talking about what will be the announcement.

Tea and tee came with each other while cop and bas came with each other.both called ming and pha to come along but they refuse  and said they will come alone.

"Ming are you sure about this" media will create some rumours if we go together. " PhA said

"Why? you don't want to come along with me in public" ming asked
"Hey ,if I hav chance I will announce the whole world that you are mine this instance.but today you are been announced as a successor of the group if we go together." Pha stopped

Ming hold phas cute face.
He peek those pink lips. "I asked dad if I can announce our relationship in press conference "ming said
"What ?"pha was stunned

"Yes ,I also do the same if I hav chance but dad said not now,we hav to wait for dont think much and let's go together."

Every one's eyes are on ming and pha who are coming together.cop is the one who more stunned.he never know that ming and pha are this close.

Both greeted every one and sit along with their friends.ming does not leave a chance to hold phas hand.pha just smiled like cute teenager .

Cop was more irritated about all this but he didn't show much.

Finally, ming was announced as the heir of the group and every one was stunned especially cop.

In press conference  reporters asked about many questions.
"Mr kim are you dating anyone" one of the reporters asked.
Ming looked at pha and pha was smiled to him.he know crazy ming well.he cant stop him if he decide.

"No,"mung said 

pha released relief air from his mouth,

"but i hav someone,who i love the most".ming added

pha was stunned even mings dad but he just smiles he know ming verywell.

"who is that?" reportes aked

"well thats a suspense for please be patience until i announce and don't spread rumor if i have been seen with my co workers or other celebrities,i am asking politely" ming said and bowed to all.

"pha can i talk to you seperatly"mings dad asked

'sure mr.d"ha said but inside he was more tensed.he knows about his love with ming,will he reject me since i am an orphan,no family,pha was more tensed and went to meet mings dad.hhe looked for ming where all his friends surrounded him and scolding for putting it secret.

ming look for pha when he was entering the building."i will be back "he said and followed pha

he was next door to his dad office,he wants to hear what they are talking.

"pha,i will not twist and turn the matter,lets come to point.are you in love with my son ming "he asked

"yes sir"pha answered

"well,then you know who you are and what is your position when compared to my son,

no family no background,no fortune,what is it you hav to deserve my son"he asked.

ming hold the door nob to open and come at once to his dad and scold him for talking like that to pha but he wants to hear phas answer so he stopped

"its love "sir pha answers


"yes sir, what i have and give to your son is the whole world's love and happiness where no one can give him."pha answered

"well man love and happiness will not feed you,i know you have some projects but if you are with ming then he will not become the heir of this group and i will throw him away.then what will you do if he is penniless"

"sir i just want ming not his fortune,so i don't feel any thing about that,because when i started loving ming i dont even no his name ,i don't care about anything all i need is ming "pha answered confidetnly.

"then what about his future so you think he will get anything being with you,may be someday he will regret it for leaving all this and being with you."

pha started thinking,and said

"sir,lets ming decide that,if he wants fortune and your family name but not me then i wont stop him,i will leave him and go far where even he cant find the traces of me,so dont worry."pha said

"well man then good luck"

pha eyes started tearing .he bowed to mr d and said goodbye sir

somany questions but right now only pains is their  which pha cant stand that. before he go

"next time call me dad"mr d said

pha looked confusedly."yes i will allow your relax and go" mr d said

pha smiled instantly a happyness arouse in his face

"dad "the word he misses for years he still was surprised and tears started flowing.

mr d open his arms  for pha.pha instantly run and hug him.

"dad "he called several times

even mr d also have tears in his eyes.he patted phas back.

ming who was hearing all this from another door also cried.he also want to go to them but he know what pha was feeling right now so he don't want to disturb that.

after th at pha joined the party and looked for ming,he wants to tell everything to ming,when he spotted ming he ran to him,ming was on phone aside from party.he ran and hug ming from backside.

ming cut the call and hold pha

"ohhh my baby misses me so much "ming said

"ming dad no mr d..."he was so happy that he cant form the sentencess

"i know,calm down "ming said

pha hug ming more tightly.

both are in their own world where they cant see 2 pair of eyes which are red and angry.

"you wont get what is mine pha.i will make it sure you cry the hell" one said

other side"what is mine is always mine ming,i will make sure pha is mine not yours"others one said

thats it for this part

any guesses who those two persons are?

thanks megha

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